How do I make the character move faster?

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 9, 2019
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The character in my server tests feels somewhat heavy, I have played other gunz and the movement of the character on other servers is lighter and the player is more mobile when moving sideways, jumping, etc.

But on my server, it's slower and heavier. Where could I review those options in the source? that the movements of the character are a little faster and more agile.
The character in my server tests feels somewhat heavy, I have played other gunz and the movement of the character on other servers is lighter and the player is more mobile when moving sideways, jumping, etc.

But on my server, it's slower and heavier. Where could I review those options in the source? that the movements of the character are a little faster and more agile.
Excellent question! When your character is initialized a default value for max wgt is set.

in ZModule_Movable.cpp
void ZModule_Movable::UpdateGravity(float fDelta) controls the logic. Adjust your GRAVITY_CONSTANT and MAX_FALL_SPEED

also finding the room tag code (on this forum) for tag [g] will set the gravity super low (moon gravity) you can use that as a reference.
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Excellent question! When your character is initialized a default value for max wgt is set.

in ZModule_Movable.cpp
void ZModule_Movable::UpdateGravity(float fDelta) controls the logic. Adjust your GRAVITY_CONSTANT and MAX_FALL_SPEED

also finding the room tag code (on this forum) for tag [g] will set the gravity super low (moon gravity) you can use that as a reference.
Hello, thank you very much for answering me.

In ZModule_Movable.cpp

I got the void ZModule_Movable::UpdateGravity(float fDelta)
m_Velocity.z =
max(m_Velocity.z - GRAVITY_CONSTANT * fDelta, -MAX_FALL_SPEED);

What do I do now? Could it be that I should look for those variables of gravity_constant and max_fall_speed? because it actually says that it does a multiplication of gravity_constant * fdelta and then a subtraction with max_fall_speed?

is that so?
if you can answer me thank you

¡Excelente pregunta! Cuando se inicializa el carácter, se establece un valor predeterminado para max wgt.

en ZModule_Movable.cpp
void ZModule_Movable::UpdateGravity(float fDelta) controla la lógica. Ajusta tu GRAVITY_CONSTANT y MAX_FALL_SPEED

También encontrar el código de etiqueta de la habitación (en este foro) para la etiqueta [g] establecerá la gravedad súper baja (gravedad lunar) que puede usar como referencia.
lo que me gustaría hacer es hacer que las animaciones de los personajes se ejecuten más rápido, por así decirlo.
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He means that you could adjust those gravity_constant and max_fall_speed.
Try seach for


You will see that on ZGameConst.h
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The character in my server tests feels somewhat heavy, I have played other gunz and the movement of the character on other servers is lighter and the player is more mobile when moving sideways, jumping, etc.

But on my server, it's slower and heavier. Where could I review those options in the source? that the movements of the character are a little faster and more agile.
you can check out the Update Speed at (ZCharacter.cpp), more care when modifying it can greatly affect character stability and game movement.
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