How do i update mangos?

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hello so i got my server .. World is emtpy

I need to know how to update my mangos+World files ( dont know what called DBC? )

and i need some1 to check if he can join my server

please PM me ^^ ill make you a account

1.12.1 version

and how do i change message of the day:p
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yea same can someone please post a guide for updating mangos?? like database n stuff revs

also can someone please post how to create or add in a reg page for mangos
i am downloading this pack

The Flash site
Forums with WoW skin
Mangos minimanager
Mangos 3088 ( compiled by bogie )
Map/dbc files
Mangos frontend
Mangos restarter
SDB rev 0.5.4 v84

any good? :P