How do I update my server.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
I have a problem with updating... I just don't know how.
Well as the Fullserver_16 came out I was using the 15 and I don't know how to update from the 15 to 16 with out deleting any of my characters or accouts that are in my game. Can anyone please help me. Very much appriciated.
Just replace the worldserver/Charserver/loginserver.exe with the v16 ones. And you are done.
Is replacing only your worldserver enough??
cuz if i change the login and char server they never work!!
no.. update database:
1.backup the old db to .sql file incase
2.backup accounts/characters/items tables to 3 sql file
3.delete old db
4.create new db and execute new sql file
5.import the 3 sql file, if errors, u need to check what table fields not match the new db structure and modify the sql file

that's all
That wont work with the new database, even if you back up accounts/chars/items... cuz i did the same and when i put them back it gives me an error on worldserver saying that theres some extra stuffs in the db so idk.. >.< but i think it won't work.. just start over i guess =)
Um i do it the newb way

I just add in another database

and then i just click on my old one

and doube click accounts

then Select all


go to my new database

go to my new accounts table

and Paste.

Yes its noob, but hey.. IT works =]

*of corse u gota do that with


if you dont update the chars and acc then you will still update your server and not deleting your chars...
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