How do people connect in my game??

As I stated earlier, there are excellent guides for this already in existance. One is this one:

Its pretty simple.
first u need a sclientinfo
and u need to edit it
if u have a Dynamic ip u need a No-ip
and if u haven't then just normal ip.

After u edit the sclientinfo
it should look like this

And now just send the
sclientinfo to a friend
and then he put's it into
his data folder and
he can play the server​
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> 
     <display>YOUR RO NAME HERE</display>
     <address>YOUR IP OR NO.IP</address>
     <port>YOUR PORT HERE</port>

Hopefully it helped ya. Cya are you blind, for gods sake remember to check all STICKYS!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>

<extendedslot>how many slot you want to have</extendedslot>

<display>Your RO display name</display>
<address>WAN IP or NO IP<address>