how do you make portals?

if you wanna make them by your self:
teleport creation
two tables need attention
first open table areatrigger_template
add a new table, give it a id #
example # 200000
you want your destination, so you fill in the following tables :
to get these cords, go anywhere in game
type .gps
and you'll get the info
then goto gameobject_template
and add a new entry
example 500000
entry - 500000
type - 27 (so you can access the portal with a right click)
displayId - 7186 (4396 = normal model) (im just using the orb of translocation model, but you can use pretty much any model)
name - name of the portal
flags - 64 (make sure the flag is 64)
sound0 - 200000 (this is where you put in the area_trigger id #)

and for vendors have a look at creature_template and npc_vendor (do npc flag on: 16388
Go to the spot in game that you want to make the starting place. Once there type in .gps and get the coordinate locations, orientation, and map ID. There is a data table in your DB that has all of that information in it, the starting location for every race and class. You just want to fill all of the values in the appropriate columns with the new data. I don't have the columns handy on me, but I do know they exist.
yeah i need it too...couldn't find it by search....

if there is any link pla post it :)

i searched for it for 2h <.<

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All Is Good ! I make Portals and then sarvar stop .. the portals isn't There ... How to save portals :(
All Is Good ! I make Portals and then sarvar stop .. the portals isn't There ... How to save portals :(

you go to the location you want your portal. use ".gps" command. go to gameobject spawns in your database and add a new table. fill in all the information a long with the portal ID and coordinates, make sure you set the state to 1 and the scale to 1. save it and restart your server and it should be there. you dont have to restart after every one, but they wont appear until the next restart.
But , how can i save In game ! All teleports , becouse "gps" don't give me Entry and ect...