[How?] insert new dds in utx L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
May 27, 2006
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ok ... i want to create new textures but i can only modify existing ones ... if i try to add an dds file that is diffrent from the original 1 (change it's name) it doesn;t work ... does any1 know how i can create a new utx and insert dds files in it? :D
aodxxl - [How?] insert new dds in utx - RaGEZONE Forums

this is before

aodxxl - [How?] insert new dds in utx - RaGEZONE Forums

this is after ... i can;t insert a new texture with my custom name only using the same texture and modifing that and overwriting the old 1 ... even if i change the name of the original textures and inserting it back in under diffrent name it doesn;t work :(
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You have to keep the same type of DDS file... that could be DXT1 1bit alpha channel, DXT1 no alpha channel, DXT2, DXT3 or DXT5 just some examples...

i did keep the original format and everything

utx files are divided in groups let's say an armoor utx has boots/gloves/lowbody/upbody/helmet
how can i create a new group called "monkey" and insert there some files then save it because in unreal ed i get this error
aodxxl - [How?] insert new dds in utx - RaGEZONE Forums

and in toolo i can;t because it gives some red question marks when i try to insert :)
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i did keep the original format and everything

utx files are divided in groups let's say an armoor utx has boots/gloves/lowbody/upbody/helmet
how can i create a new group called "monkey" and insert there some files then save it because in unreal ed i get this error
aodxxl - [How?] insert new dds in utx - RaGEZONE Forums

and in toolo i can;t because it gives some red question marks when i try to insert :)

Are you changing one existant item inside the file or trying to insert a new item?? coz if you're replacing, you need to select the item name on the list before hit the button, and if you're trying to insert a new one... then i don't know if that's possible...

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Are you changing one existant item inside the file or trying to insert a new item?? coz if you're replacing, you need to select the item name on the list before hit the button, and if you're trying to insert a new one... then i don't know if that's possible...


Nono, he get this error if he try to save to desktop for example. There the files have a space,...

Just save it to "C:" directly, or "D:" whatever. :)
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Save it direct to C:\, not into folders with spaces. ;)

lol man u gotta be kiddin' me .... it works.... omfg... :))) ure crazy :P

ok .... but now ... how to encrypt it back? :))) because when i double click on the file it ask's me with what version to encrypt .... and that happends when it can;t encrypt :((
when i chose version 121 and i get .crypt.utx file i try to open it with ut package tool and there are ni files in it and in game i get eror 8-| .... so i progressed a little just to hit another wall again 8-|
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lol man u gotta be kiddin' me .... it works.... omfg... :))) ure crazy :P


Save it, then use l2encrypter, i dont know anymore the number, try it. :P

Then overwrite your file into systextures and start l2, it must be work...dont forget to edit your armorgrp.dat, or weapongrp.dat. ;)
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Save it, then use l2encrypter, i dont know anymore the number, try it. :P

Then overwrite your file into systextures and start l2, it must be work...dont forget to edit your armorgrp.dat, or weapongrp.dat. ;)

nowp ... when i encrypt it it asks me what version to use ... and thats the sign for it not working because the program is unable to encrypt it by itself
when i encrypt and check the files the textures are missing ... when i decrypt the same file back .... the files appear back :) so there has to be somethign between like toolo only backwards ... to encrypt the files from unrealed to lineage2 and only then use l2encrypt
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