How to Access GTMerchant NPC Mir2 

you mean this part?
added an extra npc 'security' thing: now you need to have (@consign) at the top of your auction npc's, (@gtbbs) at the top of your guild territory npc with bbs on it, (@gtlist) on your npc where you can check guild territory listing, (@gtdeco) on the npc where you can view/buy decoration, (@makegem) on the craft npc(s)

if so i'v already dun it

How are you? Mirian <$USERNAME>!\
I am the Guild Territory Merchant and\
I'm in charge of guild territory rent and sales.\ \
<What is/@info> a guild territory?\
I want to <rent/@rent> a guild territory.\
I want to <go/@move> to my guild territory.\
I want to check the <list/@agitbuy> of guild territories.\
I want to <trade/@trade> my guild territory.\

Guild territory is an exclusive space for a guild,\
where the members stay for privacy. Members of the\
guild that has its own territory do not have\
to have secret meetings at the hidden corners of villages,\
where privacy is still not guaranteed. Guild members may\
have private conversations and socialize with other members.\
In short, it is a residence for clans.\ \

You need 10,000,000 gold to rent a guild territory and the initial\
period for rent is 7 days.\
If you want to extend, talk to the 'GT Steward' in the territory.\
After paying the fee of 1,000,000 gold,\
the rent will be extended for an additional 7 days.\ \
Do you still want to rent a territory? <Rent/@agitreg> <Cancel/@exit>\

Then I will teleport you to the territory of your guild.\
However, only the guild masters or the members who\
have their own territories can be transported.\
If you wish to return to castles or villages, look\
for the Armed Transporter at the entrance of the\
guild territory.\ \
Do you want to move to the guild territory? <Move/@agitmove> <Cancel/@exit>\

Here, you can see all the information about ownership, trades,\
and sales of guild territories at once. If you intend to\
purchase a guild territory from the list, send a 'note'\
to the guild master who owns the territory. And if you wish to\
purchase the guild territory after reaching agreement,\
use the 'trade' menu of the main screen.\ \

By facing the guild master and typing '@tradegt',\
the transaction is complete. After a successful transaction,\
the ownership is transferred in 24 hours and the previous owners\
are automatically 'kicked out' from the territory.\
So, please think carefully berfore trading the guild territory.\ \