Newbie Spellweaver
Alright so i had some issues i kept getting unknown command with the V7 files after i set the privilege to 5 so i had to edit something else. I'll show you in case you run into the same problem.
1. Go to ffdb1 in navicat or whatever you are using. Then Look for player_characters open it then look for Privilege on your character record line then change is to 5 and save.
2. After you do that go to ffacounts and open gm_tool_accounts
When you open gm_tool_accounts put all of your info in the field.
1. Your account ID
2. Your account_name
3. Your password
4. Privilege which will be 5
To get coins type this in your chat /gain_coins <Coin ID> <Amount>
Example -- /gain_coins 3 9999
-It will give you that amount of Loyalty Points.Note- Most of the coins say they hold a high limit but everything but- Dragon Points, Fish Token, Arch. Token, Cook token,Duel Token and Gold- will max at 9,999 unless you edit it in the files I'm guessing.
Coin ID:
I just added the coin #'s that work for the V7 server.
I hope this is able to help someone!
1. Go to ffdb1 in navicat or whatever you are using. Then Look for player_characters open it then look for Privilege on your character record line then change is to 5 and save.
2. After you do that go to ffacounts and open gm_tool_accounts
When you open gm_tool_accounts put all of your info in the field.
1. Your account ID
2. Your account_name
3. Your password
4. Privilege which will be 5
To get coins type this in your chat /gain_coins <Coin ID> <Amount>
Example -- /gain_coins 3 9999
-It will give you that amount of Loyalty Points.Note- Most of the coins say they hold a high limit but everything but- Dragon Points, Fish Token, Arch. Token, Cook token,Duel Token and Gold- will max at 9,999 unless you edit it in the files I'm guessing.
Coin ID:
- 1 = Gold
- 2 = War Coins
- 3 = LP
- 4 = Valor Coins
- 5 = Fragments
- 6 = Token
- 7 = Guardian
- 8 = Arch. Token
- 9 = Ruby Coins
- 10 = Green Shards
- 11 = Dragon Point
- 12 = Fish Token
- 13 = Cook Token
- 14 = Duel Coin
- 15 = Coupon 2
- 16 = Col. Token
- 17 = Merit Token
- 18 = Golden Dragon Point
- 19 = Housing
I just added the coin #'s that work for the V7 server.
I hope this is able to help someone!