how to add option through SQL

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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 15, 2006
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take a look at ur item (i mean clean option, let say G10 mace with no option except lvl2) in ur SQL, it will consist something like this

1093;1441;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl2

the first column (1093) is the id of the G10 mace n the 2nd column (1441) is the attribute for the mace. The 3rd column (i think.....) is the id of randomly created by server to differ from the other G10 mace as INS@NE has mention earlier in his previous post. 4th column?? figure it out urself.... :P

1) Now we gonna make our mace have a blessing, so we add 32768 to the 1st column


33861;1441;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl2, blessing

2) mount?? add 65536 to the 1st column


99397:1441;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl2, blessing, mount 10%

for mount 30%... add 65536 for 2 times more to the 1st column n it will be like this

230469;1441;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl2, blessing, mount 30%

3) now we make our mace lvl 15.... (only for weapon, for armor n etc can only lvl up to lvl 10 only, if not the item will crashed or unstable) so we need to plus 13 to 2nd column i.e

1441+13=1454 (bcos our mace is now lvl 2, it needs 13 more lvl to be lvl 15...)

230469;1454;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%

4) we need additional attack power to our mace, simply plus 16 to 2nd column


230469;1470;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%, add att power

5) the hardest part (for someone who has fear at math (even simple math) better stop here.... just no need to be serious all the time....), we got to mount a jewel to our mace.... let say ruby.. ( ruby can cause a red option to appear at our mace which is equivalent as garnet at other part of eq such as pants, glove and etc....) we call it red option..

we add 1048576 to the 2nd column


230469;1050046;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%, add att power, fire attack 1

to make it fire attack 63, hmmm.... try urself..not gonna type all day here...

6) for blue option, add 16384 to 2nd column...


230469;1066430;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%, add att power, fire attack 1, ice attack 1

7) for grey option, add 67108864 to the 2nd column...


230469;68175294;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%, add att power, fire attack 1, ice attack 1 and lightning attack 1

230469;4294952382;25431063;0 --> G10 mace, lvl15, blessing, mount 30%, add att power, fire attack 63, ice attack 63 and lightning attack 63 (GODLY MACE????)
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Hmm I remember I posted a similar thread like this explaining how to custom create your own items. Almost everything can be custom made. I even did up a 30% mount bless ap/ad 63% items list.

For all those lazy to do up all the adding and subtraction,

G10 Spear Set 30% Mount + Bless + Ad/Ap + 63% Opts






G10 Sword Set 30% Mount + Bless + Ad/Ap + 63% Opts






G10 Axe Set 30% Mount + Bless + Ad/Ap + 63% Opts






G10 Sword HK 30% Mount + Bless + Ad/Ap + 63% Opts







G10 Mace HK 30% Mount + Bless + Ad/Ap + 63% Opts






errr... i cant find ur post regarding the item code (maybe i search for the wrong phrase) except Akaruz item code, well.. i have to figure it out myself, so here is the result... just trying to help ...
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errr... i cant find ur post regarding the item code (maybe i search for the wrong phrase) except Akaruz item code, well.. i have to figure it out myself,:v: so here is the result... :flag_schw.. just trying to help others....

Beautiful post.
I would like to make a few additions as to why add only those values..! Would you do it or you want me to add?
Coz it's your post and I dont want to steal it from you.
errr... i cant find ur post regarding the item code (maybe i search for the wrong phrase) except Akaruz item code, well.. i have to figure it out myself,:v: so here is the result... :flag_schw.. just trying to help others....

Yeah nice work there. This will certainly help those who are in doubt. Hmm most probably I deleted off the thread cos of a slight issue. I am working to create the entire list of code (If I have the time) which I will release to everyone so we don't have to go endlessly searching for them.
May I share my little tool for calculate. May someone modify more code for the best and share for every body.
Because of file type limit, please replace file from "OptionCal.htm.txt" to "OptionCal.htm".
This calculator have only -30%. For input -1, this means subtract original option that already have it.
cheer for EP5 comming..........


I would like to make a few additions as to why add only those values..! Would you do it or you want me to add?
Coz it's your post and I dont want to steal it from you.

pls feel free to add to, maybe i can learn more...all the ideas are appreciate....tq

cheer for EP5 comming..........

EP5???? where we can find it, available for private server??? (clueless here....he he)...
wooo... nice calculator u have there !!!
Hi!! i got a question..

its seems that the reduce mp/hp usage (opal opt) doesnt work if you put it @ 42.. I did a test to test whether this opt worked.. after casting a uw (37mp i think) , it showed that mp was still consumed despite the prescence of such an option on the helmet.

Is there anyway to make such an option work?
Hi!! i got a question..

its seems that the reduce mp/hp usage (opal opt) doesnt work if you put it @ 42.. I did a test to test whether this opt worked.. after casting a uw (37mp i think) , it showed that mp was still consumed despite the prescence of such an option on the helmet.

Is there anyway to make such an option work?

1st of all, you better spawn ur helm 1st or buy it (if it is from G1 to G8, but if u know the code then spawn it), then modified the code (63%, bless, ad n etc)
this can make ur helm much more stable due to the 3rd column that is created by the server....
and make sure ur helm is not lvl 15 too....
G9 Unique

Well.... u guys might try this code...

230522;4294953087;396823;0; WARR SWORD
230523;4294953151;396823;2; WARR SPEAR
230524;4294953215;396823;1; WARR AXE
230527;4294952319;396823;3; HK SWORD
230528;4294952383;396823;4; HK MACE
230529;4294952511;396823;5; BOW
230530;4294952575;396823;6; CROSS BOW
231549;4294953279;790039;7; DEX STAFF
231550;4294953663;658967;8 INTEL STAFF
Do you by any chance happen to have the codes for the Unique armor parts? not weapons mind you.

im still trying to find those code, but failed all the time...if i found it, then ill post, and im looking for redyan neckless too..... but no luck till now.....
Yes. I have literally gone through most of the codes in the hit-and-trial method. None of them just seem to fit in.
I hear that Hyo-Ja server does have the Unique Sets. If the owner of that server is using the same files as us, then am pretty sure we could get the numbers too.
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