How to Disable honor

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
For rank1-14 items

and 1 more question

i cant talk to horde and i'm a gm

i searched on the boards couldnt find anything about it

Thanks in advance best Forums ever !
UPDATE items SET RequiredPVPRank = 0 WHERE RequiredPVPRank > 0;

Change the red to the name of your item table (kobold=items, MaNGOS = usually item_template), and change the blue to the name of the honour requirement column in the item table (kobold=RequiredPVPRank,MaNGOS=not sure about, sometimes requiredhonorrank), then save it in notepad to a .SQL file, then execute it on your database. To talk to horde, teach yourself orcish. Spell ID=669, Skill ID=109