how to edit, change, or add new 2d images for items

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 22, 2010
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to edit, change, or add new 2d images for items

use itemlist.bin to get the 2d image id of a item [example: Dark Robe is 509]
then use image_item_path.bin to find the first set of info
in image_item_path.bin you will find 6 columns they are:
1st column = index
2nd column = image_path.bin info id
3rd column = image segment border left
4th column = image segment border top
5th column = image segment border right
6th column = image segment border bottom

then with the info in column 2 you look for it in image_path.bin [example: column 2 info for Dark Robe is 39]
in image_path.bin there is 5 rows they are:
1st column = index
2nd column = image file path and name
3rd column = image file Width in pixels
4th column = image file Hight in pixels
5th column = line number

so for the example item Dark Robe all its info is the following:

1st column = 509
2nd column = 39
3rd column = 36
4th column = 36
5th column = 72
6th column = 72

1st column = 39
2nd column = ./data/interface/2dimage/image/ITEM_ARMOR_ROBE_BODY_01.TIF
3rd column = 256
4th column = 256
5th column = 40

now with all this info you can change or even add new 2d images for items
just remember that if your adding new image files and you add new lines to image_path.bin
you must put the correct line number of the new line in the 5th column and
you must change the number at the top of the file which must always be 1 higher then the last line index number in the file

the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th columns in image_item_path.bin is the pixel grid coordinates for the item image in the image file change these to select the image in the grid you want
any changes you make to image_path.bin you must all so add them to all image_path files like image_path_grey.bin, image_path_pink.bin, an so on

blue theme = image_path.bin
grey theme = image_path_grey.bin
pink theme = image_path_pink.bin

to make or add to a image tiff file use your favourite image editor, that part is too easy that's why im not including it in the tutorial
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