How to edit the .class files?? L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2004
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Can someone tell me how to edit the .class files cause i really want to help developing the server but i dont have the tools for it, for the moment i just can see the class files with the notepad ... which is useless :).
thanx blurcode,
for those interested here is a direct link to dl the eclipse pltaform

here is a webpage with mirrors

and at last the main site
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ooh and eclipse has cvs functions, i downloaded all the files from there, the problem is how to make a project with all the files for work with eclipse. i read somewhere that this is the tool the l2j dev use. duh i dont know java, but delphi oooo i better buy a book soon... :)

Anyway for CVS download do this:

Browse to File -> New -> Project
Select CVS -> Checkout Projects from CVS
Create new ...blabla...
Use for host:
Use for path: /cvsroot/l2j
Use for user: anonymous
password is empty and also use pserver as connection type.

gl and if anyone knows/finds how to make all these files a project for eclipse give some hints. :)
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Sorry if its agensed the rules to bring back old topics, but i need help with this eclipse thing...

Ok, so, i did all the stuff you said and it gives me an error saying:

Checking out 'L2' from CVS (Error: I/O exception occurred: No response from server)

in the litle box...
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why O_o, is it an official lineage2 server? or is it like your own little server thing that you store the file on?

I dont know about other people but id like to reactivat the GM crap or program it in if i half to...
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lol na it aint he offical, wht this is trying to conenct to is chef source codes

with these you can edit the source code, < if u know how to :P>

the gm stuff aint on these ant more chef took them out

while his making the admin, section, which i could help with ifi could get to the source :(
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can someone maby ask him to make it public or whatever you call it again?

edit: also, is he going to add "add item" and "god mode" stuff to the list of commands?
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is there a non-debugged/compiled version, I would really like to get my hands on that.
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Ah... I would like to edit some .class files also... Mainly CharTemplate.class to edit the array for classes... It's set to 58, I would like to include some new character classes, but it doesn't let me because of the array... Any ideas on how to increase that? Thanks...
PS.: I had already downloaded Eclipse before I read this, but I don't know "squat" about java, therefore I didn't get any progress on it... :/
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