How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System

Mar 29, 2019
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The Homunculus were once part of a pet system in TERA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea and as of the official release, they have been removed.

Homunculus had potential of having a variety of uses, hinted in a way of hidden skills to be unlocked during the progression the game. However, the only available feature the Homunculus had before they were removed was to hold up a player shop to sell items. [ ]

Screenshot_125 - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums

Archgeus - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums

Screenshot_124 - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums

Archgeus - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums

First of all, this DataCenter only.

Open MainMenu.xml and add the following line <MenuItem id="HomunManager" uiName="HomunManager" readableId="SMT_MENU_HOMUN" /> after ServantStorageWindow... line

Must be like this

<Menu id="Community" index="0" readableId="SMT_MENU_COMMUNITY" iconPath="img://__S1UIRES_Emblem.Ico_CommunityWindow">
        <MenuItem id="ServantStorageWindow" uiName="ServantStorageWindow" readableId="SMT_MENU_SERVANTEXSTORAGE" />
        <MenuItem id="HomunManager" uiName="HomunManager" readableId="SMT_MENU_HOMUN" />
        <MenuItem id="TradeLog" uiName="TradeLog" readableId="SMT_MENU_TRADE_LOG" />
        <MenuItem id="Social" uiName="Social" readableId="SMT_MENU_SOCIALWINDOW" />
        <MenuItem id="LeaderBoard" uiName="LeaderBoard" readableId="SMT_MENU_LEADERBOARD" />
        <MenuItem id="Post" uiName="ParcelPost" readableId="SMT_MENU_POST" />
        <MenuItem id="FriendsList" uiName="CommunityWindow" readableId="SMT_MENU_FRIEND_LIST" />

Menu String name can be changed from StrSheet_Option.xml

<String string="Supply Shop" readableId="SMT_MENU_HOMUN" />

Open UIDefaultData.xml and change <Default name="homundisable" param1="" param0="1" /> to <Default name="homundisable" param1="" param0="0" />

And to be able to see them ingame, open your S1Options.ini and set SHOW_HOMUN=False to SHOW_HOMUN=True

That's all. Since i just discovered how to enable this by coincidence, there might be bugs or something like that.

As always, Thanks to @hsdn to point me with the last step of show the pets ingame


Optional: Bring back the "Pet Merchant" job of all "Commodities Manager"

Archgeus - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums

Server side.

Open and Insert the following lines into their listed DataSheets,


<!-- Velika-->

<Villager id="63,1108">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>

    <Villager id="63,1117">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>

<!-- Allemantheia-->

<Villager id="72,1018">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>

    <Villager id="72,1162">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>

<!-- Kaiator-->

<Villager id="84,1061">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>

    <Villager id="84,1127">
        <Menu type="Merchant" id="6311080"/>


<Menu id="6311080" desc="Pet Shop" stringId="6311080">
        <ItemList id="6311081" stringed="6311081" />
        <ItemList id="6311082" stringed="6311082" />


<List id="6311081">
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="59" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="60" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="61" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="62" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="63" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="64" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="65" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="66" />
  <List id="6311082">
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="97" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="96" />
    <Item priceRevision="1" itemId="95" />



<Villager id="63,1108" />
<Villager id="63,1117" />
<Villager id="72,1018" />
<Villager id="72,1162" />
<Villager id="84,1061" />
<Villager id="84,1127" />


<String id="6311080" string="Shop for Pets" />
 <String id="6311081" string="Pets" />
 <String id="6311082" string="Pet Training" />


Search by SMT_MENU_HOMUN and change the string to "Pet"

<String string="Pet" readableId="SMT_MENU_HOMUN" />


Search by $162001 and change the string to "Pet", then search for $162011 and change the string to "Equip pet to the slot below."

<String string="Pet" stringId="$162001" />
    <String string="Equip pet to the slot below." stringId="$162011" />

Screenshot_129 - How to Enable "Homunculus/Pet Shop" System - RaGEZONE Forums
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all your guides are for the 32bit Tera right ? is there any benefit of using the 64bit ? only some new dungeons and performance ? I am thinking really hard about redoing everything and moving to 32bit. There are tons of mods for 32bit
all your guides are for the 32bit Tera right ? is there any benefit of using the 64bit ? only some new dungeons and performance ? I am thinking really hard about redoing everything and moving to 32bit. There are tons of mods for 32bit

Yeah, i dropped 100.02 version since it removed a lot of things which are present in 32 bit versions.

And since nobody shares or explain how to restore those content (like gpks etc), we have to stick to it untill some miracle appears.
Yeah, i dropped 100.02 version since it removed a lot of things which are present in 32 bit versions.

And since nobody shares or explain how to restore those content (like gpks etc), we have to stick to it untill some miracle appears.
sounds like I will have to move to 32 then rip. I really liked the improvements of the 64bit. but well time to roll back I guess shame we can't keep the improvements and the performance.
Yeah, i dropped 100.02 version since it removed a lot of things which are present in 32 bit versions.

And since nobody shares or explain how to restore those content (like gpks etc), we have to stick to it untill some miracle appears.

Generally, when it comes to restoring missing models, its not hard in terms of difficulty, however what makes it not worth it is that in the 64bit, the models are so scattered that figuring out where what is and how its linked alone is a nightmare (took me a week to jsut remove 1 invisible wall....)
Also its not just models, for example the few dungeons that do not work, actually have no topology data in the server binary, so even restoring gpk's will not fix it.
For Homun Repair change for 32 bit TERA

For Open window with keys

KeyMap add line:
<KeyDefine name="OpenHomun" command="OpenUI" parameter="HomunManager" />

KeyMapLocalized add line:
<KeyDefine name="OpenHomun" key1="Shift+H" key2="" />