How to Fix List Bound Index and Save DB Timeout Errors? Mir2 

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2007
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why my dbserver keep out "List Bound Index" and my m2server found me "[RunDB] Save DB Timed Out..." :poster_ss any 1 know how to fix them?
list out of bounds is just a error, the thedeath has already pointed out on the forums. There are lots of posts about why the dbserver times out, try read the rest of the forum, or searching before u post.
sorry about bumping, but i get these 2 errors too
i found out why the "[RunDB] Save DB Timed Out..." comes up in m2server, it comes up when the List bound index(1) thing comes up in dbserver, once u click OK on it though it stops giving the error in m2server.

i get this List Bound Index(1) thing when i first log in (get to char screen) n my char dusnt appear, i exit game, click the ok then log back in and chars there and error dusnt come back up. but it comes up sometimes while im ingame, doesnt affect anythin but stops the m2server saving info when it comes up until u click the OK and it also slows down comp so server laggs.
smoking has posted a long post about how to stop thise from happening. Do a search or read through the rest of the forums and find it.