How to fix the 'Windows socket error' in M2server Mir2 

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
When i load m2server up everything loads up and then i get this message at the bottom "[18/03/2007 20:14:57] Windows socket error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted (10048), on API 'bind'". All my ips are at Any1 have and suggestions how 2 fix this? Thanks :)
that looks like your either running m2 server twice or something else is using the same port address. check to see that all the ports are correct and then run again
I only have 1 m2server running lol. My m8 even sent me his folder 2 see if it works and his servers running >.<. and i still get the msg wen trying 2 run m2server =/
think i found your problem m8y,

if you go to m2server and click:

Control > Gate > Open

itll give you the msg again in the main m2server.exe log...

therefore its a gate problem...

go to gamegate folder, open the config file, where it says:


change it to:


go to your !setup.txt file in m2server folder, search for "Gateport" it should come up like this:


change it to:


reload the m2server and see if it says:

StartPoints loaded...
F-Engine resumed..
U-Engine initialized..
[20/03/2007 22:37:26] Guilds: 1
[20/03/2007 22:37:26] Total Castles: 1
[20/03/2007 22:37:35] Gate[0]( Opened..

if not, tell me and ill try and remember what else i changed in them files :D


EDIT: this dont solve it, fuckin makes loginsvr not connect and gate opens and closes in m2server.exe

bugging me to fuck now lol
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kk i still tryed it anyway :P does any1 have any idea how 2 fix logingate? I get the msg [08:04:33] Windows socket error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted (10048), on API 'bind' lol. Thanks

EDIT:fixed that but my m2server gate keeps openin and closin >< lol
kk i still tryed it anyway :P does any1 have any idea how 2 fix logingate? I get the msg [08:04:33] Windows socket error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted (10048), on API 'bind' lol. Thanks

EDIT:fixed that but my m2server gate keeps openin and closin >< lol


also the loginsvr.exe wont connect it seems to be a confliction of ports, so there must be a way around, ill have a look tonight but the dm veterans might be on before me to sort it hopefully :P :D
if use having problems like this download the original files again and replace all ur .ini files with the ip/gates and see if that helps,.... i had a fully working server and db uploaded all of yesturday shudda got it while it was there


ps if ur still having trouble ill upload again BUT only if u have tried what i said above.....
if use having problems like this download the original files again and replace all ur .ini files with the ip/gates and see if that helps,.... i had a fully working server and db uploaded all of yesturday shudda got it while it was there


ps if ur still having trouble ill upload again BUT only if u have tried what i said above.....

lol ive alrdy redownloaded the original files and for some reason i still get the msg lol >< my m8 dnt get it and he used the same files
u using as the ip?


ye lol just redownloaded files agen just 2 make sure if it works or not and i get the msg [21/03/2007 18:02:52] Windows socket error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted (10048), on API 'bind' in m2server >.<
solved it, but i have another problem now :P

i changed some ips to like 7201 instead of 7200 and i get no socket error, but i get con closed ingame :P ive tried to change the ports around in mir2.ini but to no avail
well as i said, i changed the ip address,

boothy u know the mir2.ini file? rename it to mir.ini

also make appropriate changes to your mir.ini file like ports etc for your gates...

i have YET ANOTHER FRIGGIN PROBLEM!! black screen thing after char screen... so i have to hunt that down now
solved it, but i have another problem now :P

i changed some ips to like 7201 instead of 7200 and i get no socket error, but i get con closed ingame :P ive tried to change the ports around in mir2.ini but to no avail

They are ports that you are changing not IPs.
You shouldnt need to change any ports around.
cheers dean,

its all sorted i think it has a problem connecting me to the main server tho =/ might be somethin to do with sql possibly,

ive made alot of progress tbh considering i aint done PS's in like 2 year