How to import your source to Eclipse
Today I will be teaching you how to import your current runescape source into an IDE. The IDE that I have chosen to use is Eclipse. There are many IDE's out there and I have chosen Eclipse because it is open source and very commonly used in the industry.
So lets get into the good stuff shall we.
Step 1 - Open up Eclipse and setup your workspace/ folder to save files to.
My workspace is located directly on C: drive as you can see.
Step 2 - Create a new Java Project.
Very straight forward as we are programming in Java.
Step 3 - Create a Name for your project then click Finish.
Name the project what ever you like, you will be the only one seeing this. Here is the result of creating a successful java project.
Step 4 - Open up your source folder to the start of the source package. (yourServer/src)
Step 5 - Click and drag your folder in there to your src folder inside Eclipse.
Step 6 - Click Ok on the message box that appears.
You want to copy the files across so then you will not need to edit them all the time, of course you can always select to link to the files. If you decide to link to the files then you won't need to hunt them down later when trying to compile and run the server.
Here is what the result should look like.
Step 7 - Fix any errors that appear after importing your source.
Notice how the red exclamation mark appears straight away alerting me of an error. I would not have caught this as easy by just compiling the source files.
Now you finally have your source imported to Eclipse.