How To Make A r61 Habbo Retro [FULL]

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Jan 25, 2009
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[Updated] How To Make A r63 uberRetro [FULL]

HEy I have up dated this Tutorial so now you can make a r63 Habbo Retro with more help added ;D

Downloads for the "Content Management System" and uberServer (Heavily Edited by iJakey)

1) (latest version) But check your specs and server to see what version you need to use
3) Just click no thanks, take me to downloads select your mirror and install ; D
4) (before you download, select your language)
5) (you may also need 3.5 or higher) and once your done do to c panel, programs and go to this and Click Repair)

r63 SWFS:
(includes: - R54 & R63 Mixed together
- Newest swf's!
- Multi-language system
- Pet bug fixed
- And more!)

How to set up? go here for tut (Credits to PeJump2)

6) (Revised and fully working edited by me of course)

Now that you've got all the downloads you can now get going to the tutorial, the cms is edited so it all works now ;D!

Step 1 Install all the downloads (you should know how to run trough all of the downloads, if not leave a comment below.

Step 2 After you've done all that, go to and set your pw, and then set site to http not cookie and set random password user for pma to NO and that shud help a bit from people getting into your pma,then delete everything in c:/xampp>htdocs> and delete the webdav folder so your site cant get scripted on! c:/xampp>webdav

1) Go to Xampp control panel
2) Click explore
3) then the folder go to apache > conf > extra > httpd-xampp.conf
4) At the bottum it should say:

# New XAMPP security concept
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampplicenses|security|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from ::1 \
               fc00::/7 \

    ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var

Replace that code with:

# New XAMPP security concept
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampplicenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
    Order deny,allow
    allow from all
        ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var

Then restart apace

Next Step
Go into the XAMPP folder located in C:\XAMPP\. Go into apache > conf > extra > httpd-dav.conf (open that file).

look for:

<Directory "C:/xampp/webdav">
Dav On

Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

and Replace it with:

<Directory "C:/xampp/webdav">
Dav Off

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all

And reboot apace, this should help keep your xampp safe from at least a non prom hacker xD


Go to Create a db called uberdb get the database from here [NEXT: you will have to edit your inc config file which can be found in xampp>>htdocs>>inc>>inc-config

Heres how it shud look

| UberCMS - Advanced Website and Content Management System for uberEmu
| #######################################################################
| Copyright (c) 2010, Roy 'Meth0d'
| #######################################################################
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
| (at your option) any later version.
| #######################################################################
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| GNU General Public License for more details.

$config['Site']['www'] = "VPS IP, or Localhost or Hamachi IP";
$config['Site']['hash_secret'] = "xCg532%@%gdvf^5DGaa6&*rFTfg^FD4\$OIFThrR_gh(ugf*/";

$config['MySQL']['hostname'] = "Your IP";
$config['MySQL']['username'] = "root";
$config['MySQL']['password'] = "yourpw";
$config['MySQL']['database'] = "yourdb";

$config['MUS']['enabled'] = false;
$config['MUS']['ip'] = "";
$config['MUS']['port'] = 21;


Edit it to your credentials like change it to your pass word IP and site path, please remember not to put / at the end of site path

Now.. with this cms you dont have to worry about replace the ccs and js file location, becoz its already been done! Revised and fully edited by me but Credits to Meth0d, gotta love that guy, Great init?

And as many of you are aware that HabboUK is now Habbo USA, you have to now change some pages like externals, page-client.tpl and add a few..

So you will have to use iLost Fix to keep up with Habbo and if you want your hotel online, heres download to files just replace them, and for noobs you can still visit thread but please try not to bump it ;/ And since iLost catalog fix is out of date when you download it, 1st edit your pass and db then look for the following below:


And after:

After that, run it via and you should be done

[THIS PART HAS BEEN ADDED IN FOR THOSE WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO EDIT PAGE CLIENT] Well after you replaced your page client with iLost fix, replace it again with PeJump2 page client, and rename it from page-client-r63 to page-client, then edit client.php so it goes to page-client not page-client-r63.tpl etc. Now open that page and just edit it <i>(more info on how to edit it coming soon)</i>

Dont worry were soon done ;D

NOW Heres Comes The EMU Part

1st go to bin>debug>uber-config and edit it

It should be something like this:

## uberEmulator System Configuration File
## Must be edited for the server to work

## MySQL Configuration

## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections)

## Game TCP/IP Configuration
game.tcp.bindip=your vps or local ip

## MUS TCP/IP Configuration
mus.tcp.allowedaddr=your vps or local ip

## Client configuration

Add this code in phpmyadmin if you get a error
ALTER TABLE  `navigator_publics` ADD  `enabled` ENUM(  '0',  '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '1';

EDIT it And save it, and you should be done with that xD, try start your EMU if it dont start tell me your problem below, always remeber to include screenshots of your problem (you can add some codes to your emu if you liked) Which can be found on anther forum which I cant tell link cause I might get infracted, and its not Otaku so.. GOOGLE it XD

Now For SWF's The original Resleaer PeJump made his own tutorial so follow his thread for instructions etc on that:

If you found this tut very helpful click the 'Thanks Button' Or if you think im missing anything please feel free to tell me below, UPDATED and bumped :O

Need additional help? Contact me VIA MSN: Thanks guys for using my r63 TUT (Updated) tt1:
Last edited:
nice tut mate a bit better then mine -thumbsup-

Wtf? u didnt make a tut u just stole one from another, and answer me now why the F*** are u stealing "Adde"'s Avatar? it has cant u make one urself?
if u can make a retro v61 "which u cant make a tut for" then u can make a gif picture....

- Mathias:?:

---------- Post added at 07:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 AM ----------

nice tut mate a bit better then mine -thumbsup-

Wtf? u didnt make a tut u just stole one from another, and answer me now why the F*** are u stealing "Adde"'s Avatar? it has cant u make one urself?
if u can make a retro v61 "which u cant make a tut for" then u can make a gif picture....

- Mathias:?:

---------- Post added at 07:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------

nice tut mate a bit better then mine -thumbsup-

Wtf? u didnt make a tut u just stole one from another, and answer me now why the F*** are u stealing "Adde"'s Avatar? it has cant u make one urself?
if u can make a retro v61 "which u cant make a tut for" then u can make a gif picture.....

- Mathias:?:
maybe teach us how to edit client?

I did, if you read tut good it shows you how to edit client ;l

---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------

Why it doesn't find ?

Are you sure you set up xampp right? :O:
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