how to make PVPStone on Mangos

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2005
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there is a guide how to make PVP STONE (a telport stone)
but you can make it only in regular server with SCP and TCL files..
then how in mangos i can made a stone like that?

the SCP is posible to make in the SQLyog but how u make the tcl file that will make the stone to a telport stone..?
but steel somone know how i can do that the stone for the aliiane will telport u to one place and if horde click on the stone it wil ltelport u to ather place
like this(but this in tcl filest and i need to know how to do that in the SQLyug)

namespace eval AllyPvPStone {

proc QueryQuest { npc player questid } {
Teleport $player 0 -14315.9 12908.5 -130.907 #Ally_PvP_Area_Side



namespace eval HordePvPStone {

proc QueryQuest { npc player questid } {
Teleport $player 0 -14357.7 12317.8 -2.36 #Horde_PvP_Area_Side


then how i can make that a stone will telport me to somewhere..
or that if i will write .pvp it will telport me to a spicel place..?
This was a tcl script for wowemu, which is years old. You could just write a new script and link a custom stone to it in the items script handler although I'm not sure if that is supported yet?