• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

How to Make Statue Warp Point

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Creating a Move/Warp Point using a Statue or other object.

First this to even make this possible there are several files you need to edit. *Warning don’t try this if you have no idea what you’re looking at or doing*

Now First thing go to your bin\Data\Event Folder locate the file EventInfo.rse

In this file there are many numbers that pertain to varying things throughout redmoon but the numbers were looking for are 15 – 23 these may or may not exist in this file. *Ignore the first set as they are just descriptions for each line.*

If your EventInfo.rse has a number or 2 missing these would be ideal to use for this so you don’t mess any other warp points up in the process of creating a custom one.

Looking at these lines you see: 22 1 43 26 32 1

Each of these has a purpose and a couple cannot be changed. First 22 is the event id # they are ordered and used for specific purposes ONLY ADD DON’T CHANGE.

1 is the type of command you’re trying to run.
43 is the map you want to move to
26 32 finally are the X and Y cords for your move.
1 is unknown to me but if you change it or leave it out this will not work.

So let’s create a new line: 15 1 1 165 55 1

This example states that you’re using event id 15 to move to map 1 x 165 y 55
**Don’t forget to make 2 of these lines unless you want this warp to be one way. Each statue will go somewhere when clicked on unless it’s not given an event ID**

Ok now that you have created this line save and exit from this file.

Now go to bin\Data\Extras

Here we will place the Warp Point in this case we will use a statue

Let’s say you want to make a warp from Street2 to Street1

First open the Extra00021.RME.

Your going to be adding lines here, name the Warp point as you would when creating a Statue for a player like so:

*May he rest in peace*

FobJarexx 1000 15 110 129 110 129 2

Each Value = Name Image# Event ID x y x y movement
The name of the Warp point, the Event id you just created the x y for the statue to sit on the map, make sure these values are the same and the movement basically meaning 0 no movement 1 little area 2 all over the map. I used this to hide Hidden dungeon maps on my server long ago. Makes it challenging but nobody likes to look anymore. Anyhow

Unless your making this a one way warp you need to make both a statue in st2 and st1 one for going one for returning.

If it’s a one way trip no worries….. One statue in st2 with one event ID will do

Now that you have created the Statue in St2 at 110, 129 and gave it the name FobJarexx restart the map and you should have a working Warp point going to street1. Just click and enjoy.

You can tinker with this to get movement to all sorts of maps without Really getting into the map move location. I will post guides to all this later on This is just the first of Many.


**Redmoon-Inferno 2004-2006**

Next: Custom Item Creation
Enjoy them i know Undying does not need this next guide but im doing the custom Item guide next.

and later i do plan on writing a guide for Creating new maps in Redmoon, and Creating a True Battle Dimension server.. So keep an eye for those Also if people would like i will explain how to create a warp point using existing map warps such as the move from st2 to st3 can take you from st2 to dt1 if you want. Lemme know what you want to do with redmoon morethen likley (not to be big headed) i prolly know a way to get it done.
Thanks for posting the info on how to make the new warps man. I've been tryin to figure out how in the world you did it for quite some time now. Looking at the solution you proposed, it definately shows how much you think outside of the box. Especially considering the line that's being added in the EventInfo.rse is 5 numbers long, and longest existing line in the 3.8 files is only 4 numbers long.

Nice work man, very much appreciated. :good: