How To Make working Street1 Trader on 3.8?

May 22, 2004
Reaction score
...I mean,
i wish i can run street1 trader as it was before...not durability trader,
the one..which u can sell stuffs to other players.
It was a good feature in-game.
So, i heard IT CANT be normal trader, but..i wish i can hear ur opinions.
Thanks in advance.

Might not even be possible.

I mean it wont let you add unis to the street1 trader.

If you make an army and take over shop 1 when you click on the street1 trader it says your amy own the shop. Which would make you believe the street1 trader is shop 1

But if you add unis to shop 1 and reboot the server the trader remains the same.

eg: Still has no inventory

And also if you open the shop1 file you can cleary see that is not the street1 trader.

I think the street1 trader is just fubar dont know if anyone can really make it work like it once did.