how to mir3 account? Mir3 

May 6, 2004
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How we inform of the thing to do an account append and do not do we are the tax on liquor and do not know whether we make the account and.
i take it u used Alta Vista for that translation.... all i can guess is that u need an account maker heres the account creator (cant believe it allowed to attach 3 mb lol n1)
lol first download it....then if u have a single installer, choose ur desktop, it shud extract about 5-7 files, select the setup file, install it to ur set directory, once thats dun download the patches for the server u wish to play (as u cant play any server with a general patch because the files that came with the client are ether fucked or just dont work with the servers we have not sure which lol) then use the account creator to make an account and then log in....not sure wtf's hard about that....if ur having an error please detail it other wise we cannot help u!