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how to set exp , drop rate and money rate

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
On The World
this is a very very simple question but no can answer it until now omg
can some1 tell me where to set those thing and why my comand /@get items didnt work i dnt have gm client
thansk it work now

also the coman /monster name work too

ex : /monster Hopy

can any1 show me how to edit monster exp 1 by 1

also i cant pick up items drop werid
That command doesnt work ...

if u want it to work do this go in your server houk.ini file then go to the bottom edit your admin IP admin ID admin Name and 3 admin COMAND then go in game type

~/;Adminname COMAND3

exp my admin nick = SuperGM and my GM_COMAND set "sex3" i go in game and type

~/;SuperGM sex3

i hope it help u

i found out how to make exp up rate now :) if u dont know how then do this : go to gameserver folder , then go go monster folder open a monster file
example Hopy file, open it hopy exp = 105 ( how do i know it is 105 ? easy it show when u login the game just click on the monster lolz ) just look for the 105 exp than change it and try to remember the chinese code before the 105 and do the same with anymonter u want in the game

btw when i login game i only can pickup 1 items and it is the 1st items i pick up then after that i cant pick up anymore ( include money )
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