How to setup CM for Corsair

Has the IP in inetpub/bdo-api-trade/Contents/Common/xml/BDOWorldTradeMarketItemData/NA/BDOWorldTradeMarketServerInfo changed?

What about C:\Common/xml/BDOWorldTradeMarketItemData/NA/BDOWorldTradeMarketServerInfo?

If you see 2 lines in these files, leave only 1 with the server ip.

Remember to give the iis_iusrs user permissions to inetpub (api-trade,trade,game,gameportal) and common folders in C:\.

Don't forget to check the server and client host files <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------- ---- <-----------The IP of your Server

The last time I installed it I forgot to change this and that's why it didn't work for me.

In any case, there is some error in the CM files, the dice game works for you, it is a good sign that it is already working for you, possibly it is something in the webconfig

By the way, there are times when Central Market takes a while to boot up from the time the server is started.
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Has the IP in inetpub/bdo-api-trade/Contents/Common/xml/BDOWorldTradeMarketItemData/NA/BDOWorldTradeMarketServerInfo changed?

What about C:\Common/xml/BDOWorldTradeMarketItemData/NA/BDOWorldTradeMarketServerInfo?

If you see 2 lines in these files, leave only 1 with the server ip.

Remember to give the iis_iusrs user permissions to inetpub (api-trade,trade,game,gameportal) and common folders in C:\.

Don't forget to check the server and client host files <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server <-------- only in the host file server

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------- ---- <-----------The IP of your Server

The last time I installed it I forgot to change this and that's why it didn't work for me.

In any case, there is some error in the CM files, the dice game works for you, it is a good sign that it is already working for you, possibly it is something in the webconfig

By the way, there are times when Central Market takes a while to boot up from the time the server is started.

oh thank you so much i will try
So if you are NOT a GM and have setup everything as it should be in here you can not open the market anyway unless you change a few things in two stored procedures.
Both are in the TradeDB and the first procedure is 'uspCreateMyWallet' it has a build in check if the market is open if you are not a GM and that calls another procedure which then returns a value that will always deny access.
The second IF statement will have a 0 there instead of a 1 change it to a one and execute the changes.

The second procedure is the upsIsMarketOpen. We simply edit the check routine that it will either return a 1 if open or a -1 if closed.

You will only have one if section in there. just edit the second one into it and execute the changes.

With those two fixes all players should be able to access the CM now.
So if you are NOT a GM and have setup everything as it should be in here you can not open the market anyway unless you change a few things in two stored procedures.
Both are in the TradeDB and the first procedure is 'uspCreateMyWallet' it has a build in check if the market is open if you are not a GM and that calls another procedure which then returns a value that will always deny access.
The second IF statement will have a 0 there instead of a 1 change it to a one and execute the changes.

The second procedure is the upsIsMarketOpen. We simply edit the check routine that it will either return a 1 if open or a -1 if closed.

You will only have one if section in there. just edit the second one into it and execute the changes.

With those two fixes all players should be able to access the CM now.
It is a pity that this guide is not suitable for the Nova version
Ask someone who knows Can't sell stuff How can I fix it? Thank you very much

seramyu - How to setup CM for Corsair - RaGEZONE Forums
upd: I'm sorry, I didn't understand the screenshot at first. I do not help with advice from the market, as a rule, it is easier for me to do it myself than to figure it out and explain what the problem is.

Thank you very much I can't sell items Someone who knows help me

Full item***.dbss
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I don't understand the log displayed and can't edit it The central market is still unavailable I gave up There's not much left Please help me Thank you friends


seramyu - How to setup CM for Corsair - RaGEZONE Forums
I was examining your log there are many errors regarding XML check that you don't have some wrong parameter for what error is in the XML
Hello, if you know about this problem, please teach me : (

thank you.

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do u know how to put all items on sale inside the Market?
U can just put the item on one by one but i guess you won't be doing that willingly

I think if you search on the tutorial section, there is some guides for populating the market on older versions, you can try to learn and study on that
{"EventTime":"2023-10-20T00:21:09.9648957+08:00","Severity":"INFO","SourceName":"/LM/W3SVC/7/ROOT-2-133422060688546997","Logger":"JsonLogger","Thread":"36","NDC":"(null)","Message":{"HttpMethod":"GET","RequestUrl":" ","Headers":{"Accept":"text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*","Host":"","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"},"FormData":null,"Ip":"192.168.x.x","LogMessage":"UserAgent Error -> HTTP_USER_AGENT : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko\n\n","LogException":null,"ProjectName":"bdo-gameportal","ServiceType":"NA","Branches":"","LogLevel":"INFO","PlatformIndex":"dev-web-portalweb"},"Properties":{"log4net:UserName":"IIS APPPOOL\\portalweb","log4net:Identity":"","log4net:HostName":"YeyuGame-Server"}}

hi,I used the file of bernix81, now CM works, but the dice game shows a blank page, I updated the webur.bss according to the corresponding URL, the problem is still the same.
I don't know where the problem is now, please help:)
{"EventTime":"2023-10-20T00:21:09.9648957+08:00","Severity":"INFO","SourceName":"/LM/W3SVC/7/ROOT-2-133422060688546997","Logger":"JsonLogger","Thread":"36","NDC":"(null)","Message":{"HttpMethod":"GET","RequestUrl":" ","Headers":{"Accept":"text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*","Host":"","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"},"FormData":null,"Ip":"192.168.x.x","LogMessage":"UserAgent Error -> HTTP_USER_AGENT : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko\n\n","LogException":null,"ProjectName":"bdo-gameportal","ServiceType":"NA","Branches":"","LogLevel":"INFO","PlatformIndex":"dev-web-portalweb"},"Properties":{"log4net:UserName":"IIS APPPOOL\\portalweb","log4net:Identity":"","log4net:HostName":"YeyuGame-Server"}}

hi,I used the file of bernix81, now CM works, but the dice game shows a blank page, I updated the webur.bss according to the corresponding URL, the problem is still the same.
I don't know where the problem is now, please help:)
if not even error page or 404 show up, it means the game didn't redirect the link successfully(check weburl.bss and service.ini and host file) or ur IIS is not running properly(check blinding and host file). Also try to run ur dice game link on the browser to rule out some error first.
if not even error page or 404 show up, it means the game didn't redirect the link successfully(check weburl.bss and service.ini and host file) or ur IIS is not running properly(check blinding and host file). Also try to run ur dice game link on the browser to rule out some error first.
OMG,Thank you for your reply. https and http caused the link problem. I hope my mistake can remind others.
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I have succeed to built this up...

but dice game is not working...

I guess missing some web game files....and which files from those website files is for dice game...thx..