How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE

Hi, i have a question... im stuck trying to make the NPC crossbow guards, (id 247) to attack/kill PK players... Can it be done?
If so, could you give me some pointers about it or a small guide on how to do it?

Also, i just found it, chocolate boxes, and some others like it, when u pick them up go to event inventory, how can i change it so they go to regular inventory?

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dv tols에서 도구 설정으로 이동하여 서버 파일의 item.txt를 삽입
하면 편집기에 항목이 표시될 수 있고 편집 시 캐릭터 인벤토리/금고를 추가할 수 있습니다.

그럴 수 없다면 /item과 같은 gm 명령을 사용하고 항목을 직접 만드는 방법을
in dv tols go to settings of the tool and insert your item.txt from the server files
then it should be able to show u items in editor and when you editor character inventory/vault you can add.

if that u cant, then use gm command like /item and learn to make items directly commands list is at \Files\Data\Commands\commands.xml
thank you for telling me. There's a part I still don't understand. Is it possible to insert the item.ini file using drag and drop in dvtool??
thank you for telling me. There's a part I still don't understand. Is it possible to insert the item.ini file using drag and drop in dvtool??
the item file can be 'browesed' from the editor menu file properties option and when u do that it should normally show the items list
Thank you, KarLi so much for sharing such great server files.
Anyway Could you please suggest the xml node for the child <Buff xxx="aa" /> items of CharacterBaseBuff section, I guess the node <Buff> is subset of <Buff> node in BuffTemplate.xml.
1713935149687 - How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE - RaGEZONE Forums

So after copy full node <Buff> in BuffTemplate.xml, and add the attribute Class, looks like below:
1713935564923 - How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE - RaGEZONE Forums

But then after succeed reload Character Configs, I tried to create new char with class=0 (here is DW class), but then select him to go to the game but I got disconnected, seems that the <Buff> node was added is not correct. Please help.

Strange. Windows 11 here. Only other thing different is I use AMPPS with phpmyadmin for managing the MySql DB, but it's still the same 3306 port. It's only the gameserver not going past "Starting DB"... I guess I'll keep looking.
Have you solved it? If not yet, check the AMPPS because it uses MariaDB instead of MySQL so switch to MySQL 8.0.x will help, since MariaDB does not support Delay Insert Feature for old SQL engine, that The Server.exe using!
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That server works only in my home network I got opened all that ports in firewall and in router settings, still in other networks didn't connect to the server who know how to fix it?
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how to change the server name and line name? edit the serverMap.xml dose not work.
I was trying the files and there is an error that prevents me from teleporting to Lorenmarket. Can you help me?
Does the ConfigEditor work for anyone? This is all I see. I selected my data folder in the preferences. The account manager works fine.

1720024908547 - How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE - RaGEZONE Forums
my client crush all time Disconect from server

can I run server on local client crush all time
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I was trying the files and there is an error that prevents me from teleporting to Lorenmarket. Can you help me?
I Have this issue too, the game crashes and the character keeps connected. I had to restart the server to relogin.

Does the ConfigEditor work for anyone? This is all I see. I selected my data folder in the preferences. The account manager works fine.

View attachment 263304
Same issue here. The only thing that works is the "Account Manager", everything else shows a blank screen.
Hello guys, I managed to get the server running but i am having issues with the cash shop. i tried adding items but for some reason it does not update. i tried adding the items both manually and with the tools provided but with the same result. when i reload the cash shop in the game server it sees that there are many items but in the client it does not load
1721941900991 - How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE - RaGEZONE Forums

1721941919646 - How to Setup MuOnline Server [Season 19 Part 1-1] with MySQL + WEBSITE - RaGEZONE Forums

has anyone dealt with this before? doe anybody know how to fix it?

Does the ConfigEditor work for anyone? This is all I see. I selected my data folder in the preferences. The account manager works fine.

View attachment 263304
Yes, i solved this. go the editor config file and change the location of the Data folder to the actual location