done but now i get this: StartTimer exception: Field 'FLD_HALLUCINATION' not found
and my dbserver still whants can i fix this?
EDIT : created the field and another field that the server required ... all fields are loaded now but i get this : Guilds: 1
[2/2/2007 9:48:05 PM] Total Castles: 1
[2/2/2007 9:48:05 PM] Windows socket error: The requested address is not valid in its context (10049), on API 'bind'
[2/2/2007 9:48:25 PM] Script file not found: .\Envir\Npc_def\BichonInspector-5.txt
[2/2/2007 9:48:26 PM] Windows socket error: The requested address is not valid in its context (10049), on API 'bind'