how to warp L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 3, 2004
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i have never play this game before so all the command i dont know ...... please tell me some command like party, trade , warp or something else :smileysex
there is no command otherwise you goto a npc but they arent working yet. i do believe this is the nexted thing they should work on and save the rest for later then worry about drops weapons skills etc
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hmm I'm thinking about what works in latest beta-serwer and for what we must still wait - someone connected with creators of the serwer could inform us about progress... It would be nice. (pozdro PL ;] )
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well.... not much of those things are working yet.

you "can" warp (we call it teleport though) if you set your account id's access lvl to 160
in data/accounts.txt
then use .admin ingame (on chatboard).

yes party is working sorta, but i do not belive it shares exp,sp, ect.

about whats being done.. well i cannot speak for the others but..

im working on:

Spawn Handler (fixed, random spawn generator) - done
ReSpawn Handler (fixed, random spawn, time) - done

still working on converting ALOT of data to the new list (only finished TI-Caves so far).

also working on :

Drop tables (adena drop chance on mob, item drop chance(s), spoil drops and so on)
thats about 60% done (+ need to do the loot tables).

so, a bit time yet until you see something new from NightMarez on the whats new list :D
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It would be nice if you could get some interface on EXP rates and Drop rates, for server that don't want to stay legit. Such as; find the normal drop rate, then make a number for that, then make a number that when you kill something every possible drop will drop from it and highest Adena drop.
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