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Hows Spinel

Newbie Spellweaver
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
[COLOR=#000011]/* 각 세계여행 주요 지역 맵코드[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]*/[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var warp_floating = 500000000;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var warp_shanghai = 701000000;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var warp_shaolin = 702000000;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var warp_ximending = 740000000;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var warp_mushroom = 800000000;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var destination1, destination2, destination3, destination4, destination5;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var mapid = new Array(500000000,701000000,702000000,740000000,800000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var check = new Array("로","으로","로","으로","로")[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var map, choice;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]var status = -1;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]function start() {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    status = -1;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    action (1, 0, 0);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]}[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]function action(mode, type, selection) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]if (status == 0 && mode == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]if (status == 1 && mode == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]}[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]if (mode == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]status --;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]}[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]if (mode == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]status++;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]}[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]if (status == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (cm.getMapId() == 500000000 || cm.getMapId() == 701000000 || cm.getMapId() == 702000000 || cm.getMapId() == 740000000 || cm.getMapId() == 800000000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            map = cm.getSavedLocation("WORLDTOUR");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.sendSimple("How's the traveling? Are you enjoying it? 'n'r #b#L1# I'm done with traveling. Can I go back to #m"+map+"#?#l");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (cm.getPlayer().getJob() == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.sendNext("If you're tired of the monotonous daily life, how about getting out for a change? There's nothing quite like soaking up a new culture, learning something new by the minute! It's time for you to get out and travel. We recommend a'r'n#bWorld Tour#k! Are you worried about the travel expense? No need to worry! The #bMaple Travel Agency#k offers first class travel accommodation for the low price of #b300 mesos#k.");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.sendNext("If you're tired of the monotonous daily life, how about getting out for a change? There's nothing quite like soaking up a new culture, learning something new by the minute! It's time for you to get out and travel. We, at the Maple Travel Agency recommend you going on a #bWorld Tour#k! Are you worried about the travel expense? You shouldn't be! We, the #bMaple Travel Agency#k, have carefully come up with a plan to let you travel for ONLY #b3,000 mesos!#k");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    } else if (status == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (cm.getMapId() == 500000000 || cm.getMapId() == 701000000 || cm.getMapId() == 702000000 || cm.getMapId() == 740000000 || cm.getMapId() == 800000000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            if (selection == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                if (cm.getMapId() == warp_floating) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination1 = warp_shanghai;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination2 = warp_shaolin;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination3 = warp_ximending;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination4 = warp_mushroom;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else if (cm.getMapId() == warp_shanghai) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination1 = warp_floating;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination2 = warp_shaolin;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination3 = warp_ximending;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination4 = warp_mushroom;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else if (cm.getMapId() == warp_shaolin) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination1 = warp_floating;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination2 = warp_shanghai;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination3 = warp_ximending;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination4 = warp_mushroom;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else if (cm.getMapId() == warp_ximending) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination1 = warp_floating;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination2 = warp_shanghai;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination3 = warp_shaolin;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination4 = warp_mushroom;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else if (cm.getMapId() == warp_mushroom) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination1 = warp_floating;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination2 = warp_shanghai;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination3 = warp_shaolin;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    destination4 = warp_ximending;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                var say = "Where would you like to travel? 'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                if (cm.getJob() == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination1 + "##m" + destination1 + "# (300메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination2 + "##m" + destination2 + "# (300메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination3 + "##m" + destination3 + "# (300메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination4 + "##m" + destination4 + "# (300메소)#l'r'n";                 [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination1 + "##m" + destination1 + "# (3000메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination2 + "##m" + destination2 + "# (3000메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination3 + "##m" + destination3 + "# (3000메소)#l'r'n";[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                    say += "#b#L" + destination4 + "##m" + destination4 + "# (3000메소)#l'r'n";   [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                }    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendSimple(say);    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (selection == 2) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.warp(map == -1 ? 100000000 : map);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]cm.clearSavedLocation("WORLDTOUR");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]cm.sendNext("Im always in here");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else { //해외여행 맵이 아닐 경우[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.sendSimple("Sentence 1'r'n#L1##bTaiwan#k'r'n#L2##bshanghai#k'r'n#L3##bjapan#k'r'n#L4##b#k'r'n#L5##bShaolin Temple#k#l");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    } else if (status == 2) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (cm.getMapId() == 500000000 || cm.getMapId() == 701000000 || cm.getMapId() == 702000000 || cm.getMapId() == 740000000 || cm.getMapId() == 800000000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                choice = selection;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            if (cm.getPlayer().getJob() == 0) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to travel to #b#m"+selection+"##k? To head over, #b#m"+selection+"##k it'll cost you only #b3,00 mesos#k. Would you like to go right now?");           [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to travel to #b#m"+selection+"##k? To head over, #b#m"+selection+"##k it'll cost you only #b3,000 mesos#k. Would you like to go right now?");           [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            }         [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (selection < 7) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                choice = selection;  [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            if (selection == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Taiwan Selection 1");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (selection == 2) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("China Selection.");                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (selection == 3) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Japan Selection 1");              [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (selection == 4) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Thailand Selection 1");                             [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (selection == 5) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Shaolin Temple Selection 1");                 [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    } else if (status == 3) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (cm.getMapId() == 500000000 || cm.getMapId() == 701000000 || cm.getMapId() == 702000000 || cm.getMapId() == 740000000 || cm.getMapId() == 800000000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            if (cm.getJob() == 0 && cm.getMeso() >= 300) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.gainMeso(-300);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.warp(choice);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (cm.getMeso() >= 3000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.gainMeso(-3000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.warp(choice);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendOk("Please check and see if you have enough mesos to go.");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            if (choice == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Taiwan Selection 2");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (choice == 2) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("China Selection 2");                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (choice == 3) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Japan Selection 2");               [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (choice == 4) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Thailand Selection 2");                             [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else if (choice == 5) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.sendNext("Shaolin Temple Selection 2");               [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]                return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]    } else if (status == 4) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (cm.getJob() == 0 && cm.getMeso() >= 300) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.gainMeso(-300);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.saveLocation("WORLDTOUR");          [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]     [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (cm.getMeso() >= 3000) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.gainMeso(-3000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.saveLocation("WORLDTOUR");                  [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.sendOk("Please check and see if you have enough mesos to go.");[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            return;                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        if (choice == 1) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.warp(740000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (choice == 2) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.warp(701000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (choice == 3) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.warp(800000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (choice == 4) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.warp(500000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else if (choice == 5) {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.warp(702000000);[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();                [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } else {[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            cm.dispose();[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]            return;[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]        } [/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]     }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]  }[/COLOR][COLOR=#000011]}[/COLOR]
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
First off that code box is super bad to read.
Second, what exactly are you trying to ask. You can't just post code and think someone can help you.

 [/ php] with spoilers. It will be easier to read.
[spoiler][php] [/php ][/spoiler ] (Just remove the spaces from the 2nd set of brackets.
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