Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Suggestion: Make the player be able to set which item the autoHP/MP uses.
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

so basically once we set w/e our hp is and once we get under that our pet uses a pot we have in our invent and heals us?
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

yeah, but in this case, its only one item that you choose in the script, not just any potion you are holding. =( I wasnt sure how to make it any potion. But me and Bavilo are making an alternative that will just take mesos.
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

oo good luck on the alternative method looking forward to it
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

any chance u can make this work with all pots
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Here's the alternative Method for making it use Mesos.

if (hpp || mpp) {
                    if (hpp) {                        
                        if (player.getHp() < player.getAuto("hp") && player.getMeso() >= 10000) {                              
                                    c.getPlayer().gainMeso(-10000, true, false, true);
                    if (mpp) {
                        if (player.getMp() < player.getAuto("mp") && player.getMeso() >= 10000) {   
                                c.getPlayer().gainMeso(-10000, true, false, true);

basically what it does:

it checks if you have 10k mesos.
if you do, it will remove 10k mesos from your inventory, then use a power elixir.

You don't actually have to have a power elixir in your inventory, it will just give you the effect of the elixir.
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

woot thanks im gonna test
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

That's a good release ty ^^
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Disable this in pvp maps?

PS: This might help ppl who want to bot lol
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

I Believe Use ll < Or Statment To Add All Potion,So Much Better
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Btw... Can't you just simply change the type of pots by changing the item id...
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

No It Is Not Disable.Learn Read Code.

Hint Go Your PvpHandler Disable Pets From Coming Out Much Easier.
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

were do i add that lol
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

You can't define all pots, at least not with some complicated codeing. If you add more then one pot to it using ||, which pot is it gonna use?...
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

No It Is Not Disable.Learn Read Code.

Hint Go Your PvpHandler Disable Pets From Coming Out Much Easier.

Actually it is already disabled if using potions and food is disabled in pvp already. You learn to read code you idiot.
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Bavilo,In GMS Any Pots Works For Hp/Mp Pouches,Beside You Must All The Potion So Becames Like GMS Like unch:
Re: [Release] Hp and Mp Pouches for Pets!

Actually you need to learn to read code, but you better work on your english first.