i feel like shit

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Loyal Member
Jan 26, 2004
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I havent slept for two nights, i dont know what to do, my mother wont take me to any doctor either.Im not the kind of guy who stays up late, partys all night, and sleeps at 6am, so yeah, i love (and need) my sleep.I dont know what to do anymore, i just stay in bed with my eyes closed.I counted to near a bilion.I feel like i have been run over :(
prob you in love =P or drunk. but its almost same
id say you have insomnia but thats not something you just get to my knowledge. i have insomnia and iv had it all my life, ya get used to not sleeping much, if i don't take my meds i don't sleep
Hmm...duuno, as you said you dont just get insomnia.I knew a guy on NWN who had insomnia, he was on the server 24/7 :P

Anyway, i will try to get my mother to take me to a doctor or something
*flexs as he notices your signature* lol but yea, they'll tell you same thing they told me.. your fine.. get exersise.. go to bed.. *3 years later* they FINALLY gave me medication lol, i take 100 mg morphine tablets when ever i wanna sleep, but there expensive so i usally stay awake 2-3 days and then take em.
shit man...you scare me...
my cousin has this skin disease (well not a disease but dont know how to call it) and after 2 years the doctors realise he needs medication :(

Anyway i hoe its not too serious, my mother just woke up and called my sis who is some kind of a doctor (not the right one thought) and she said to try to get very tired, then i will fall dead asleep O_o

PS: everybody knows you own ^_^
-=MR=- said:
Hmm...duuno, as you said you dont just get insomnia.I knew a guy on NWN who had insomnia, he was on the server 24/7 :P

Anyway, i will try to get my mother to take me to a doctor or something

that guy didn't have insomnia he had an addiction ;)
Masami said:
says he has insomia so u think he has a life :good:

exactly... why even try to deny that you like to play something? as long as the only person you are hurting is yourself, do what you want to do :P

BTW, how much pop/soda do you drink Silveron? Or caffeine in general? I used to drink a crap load and couldn't get to bed till like 3am every night.. now I barely drink any of it and fall asleep before 11pm-12am half the time heh
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