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I got an Xbox 360

May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Sector 7
yehey, i just got it yesterday as a b-day gift from my parents

it was fcking fun not its not enough for me cause i only got 2 games

TC Ghost Recon 1: AW and TC Splinter Cell: Double Agent

so you guys know any cool game that you can suggest for me to buy one in the future?
If you like shooters (as from the games you already have) you should consider:

Gears of War (even if you don't like shooters, it's still a great game)
Rainbow Six Vegas
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 3
Oblivion (the second best game for the x360)

Some other good games are:

Armored Core 4 (Don't know how the x360 version is but the PS3 version kicked ass)
Dead Rising
Lego Star Wars 2
Hitman 3
Dead or Alive 4
Battle Stations Midway

And there are also great xbox games to get if you don't already have one.

Halo 2 (both Halo's are a must have for the xbox)
Hitman 2
Lego Star Wars
Max Payne (really old and out dated game but is tons of fun not to mention it costs $4 used)
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Dead or Alive 3
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (if you haven't played the PS2 Version)
Metal Gear Solid 3 Substance (if you haven't played the PS2 Version)
GTA VC (if you haven't played the PS2 Version)
GTA SA (if you haven't played the PS2 Version)

Those I would all suggest taking a look at. Theres some upcomming games that looks good also.

Halo 3 (probably be the best x360 of all time)
Devil May Cry 4
Command and Conquer 3
Star Wars The Force Unleashed (Comes out May 2008)
Area 51

NoPeace - out
yehey, i just got it yesterday as a b-day gift from my parents

it was fcking fun not its not enough for me cause i only got 2 games

TC Ghost Recon 1: AW and TC Splinter Cell: Double Agent

so you guys know any cool game that you can suggest for me to buy one in the future?
Sweet, Have a gamer tag? Anyways some games is would recommend buying...

GoW-2 (not out yet)
Halo 2
Halo 3 (not out yet)
Lost Planet (very innovative)
Unreal Tournament
Huxley (Will own all shooters, not out yet, MMOFPS)

RPGs/Action Adventure
Oblivion:Shivering Isles
Blue Dragon (got good reviews, though I didn't like it)
Age of Conan(A must get for anyone into MMORPGs or Elder Scrolls, not out yet)
Wiki (Not out yet, rumored to be for xbox 360, not positive.)
All Final Fantasy games (They never appealed to me)
I know there are a few I am forgetting.

I know there are a few I am forgetting here too.

Well hope that helps a bit.

P.S. I did not do any sports games, because they all tend to be similar.
Lise you finally got it! Awesome. Now hook your DSL Up and use the 1 Month Free Xbox Live Gold. Before you do that buy yourself some good games.

Games I suggest you to buy:
Gears of War
Saints Row

Top three games and a must for all 360 owners. Each one with its own unique features.

Next grab yourself some old school games:
Halo 2 and COD 2

Once you have that then only get Live. Otherwise its a waste of money.

P.S Konrow: I see you have been playing Halo 2 allot lately. Wanna have a little tourny tomorrow night if possible?
P.S Konrow: I see you have been playing Halo 2 allot lately. Wanna have a little tourny tomorrow night if possible?

no i usually don't have time during the week due to overloads. have to study for a history exam too i think. I did finally get it tho thats why i played so much this weekend. Anyway that bring sme to my point that if your gonna get any old-school game get halo. its immensly fun and you can play online for hours on end and still always get a group.
Hmm, I want a Xbox though. But at the same time I dont know if its worth for me to pay that much. I can upgrade my comp good with that money. But I dont got any money xD, God help me..this is hard.

No flamin but this a little bid odd to me
TC Ghost Recon 1: AW and TC Splinter Cell: Double Agent
That are games you think to think good for, but you play MU :P

But stil gz on the Xbox ^^
well use games are much cheaper than the new games, but i im much prefer new stuff

Still doesn't explain the fact that you ask us to spend time waiting it on listing games for you when you don't even plan on buying them. -.-

get gears of war best online fps game right now ^^

How is it an FPS? You see your character so it's a Third person shooter. =P

NoPeace - out