I hate MySpace!

Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
under your bed
Went online today and check my email and I got a random friend request from MySpace. So I randomly logged in for the first time today and added the person. Check their profile and guess what?

It automatically installed an malicious ActiveX program and now I'm infected by a shit load of malware. 2 viruses (which I got deleted), 1 DDoS torjan (which keeps respawning itself), and about 4 popup spyware programs.

This is so bloody annoying. I guess now I have a reason to format my computer as I've needed to do it for 5 months now. -.-

Anyone else has a similar situation?

NoPeace - out
Situations? Many sticky ones.

No, MySpace is usually OK for me, i Tend not to add randoms without checking backgrounds etc.

NoPeace out of everyone...wow...
Thats why i use facebook.
hah, another reason for me NOT to use those ridiculous network sites.
Went online today and check my email and I got a random friend request from MySpace. So I randomly logged in for the first time today and added the person. Check their profile and guess what?

It automatically installed an malicious ActiveX program and now I'm infected by a shit load of malware. 2 viruses (which I got deleted), 1 DDoS torjan (which keeps respawning itself), and about 4 popup spyware programs.

This is so bloody annoying. I guess now I have a reason to format my computer as I've needed to do it for 5 months now. -.-

Anyone else has a similar situation?

NoPeace - out

you didnt have nod32 on? XD
Never thought that would happen to you =/

Yeah especially after my sister has done it loads of time. -.-

That's what I get for using the computer half awake.

Use linux?

I tried emospace a long time ago, seemed like an utter waste of time. I do visit emospace for music though.

I do, just not on this computer. Installing it latter though.

NoPeace out of everyone...wow...
Thats why i use facebook.

Yeah I actually use facebook. I've only logged into My Space 3 bloody times. -.-

The exact same thing happened to my sister, had to spend 30 minutes setting her computer up again!

Limited user now, non the wiser.

Limited users accounts still let ActiveX work on the computer. =P

Evil thing. Some good legit sites requires it while at the same time bastards can right it to abuse the use of it. -.-

you didnt have nod32 on? XD

Hate Nod32. It's a piece of crap. Though I do use AVG and that's how I knew it was all there. Just it was written really well and it kept respawning itself every time I deleted it.

Didn't want to bother with a full system scan to find it so I just formatted and put Vista on it. Now I'm running to brute force keygen to see if it actually works. Been wanting to test it so it's not all a loss. Also needed to format my computer and put linux on a second partition.

NoPeace - out
well, dont add ppl that you dont know, tbh, i dont know why ppl add random ppl to their myspace which they dont even talk or send em any message or comments.

example if you have like 600+ friends, only 6% of em you gonna send a message and give them some comment. theres no point for using those network but sometimes it FUN =p

i only got 17 friends, and those ppl are my friends or ppl who i know from the net. very cool ppl ;)
well one of the things i did to keep random myspace bots from adding me or it seems to help is make your profile private but i also find it funny how you havent even tryed the vista brute force thing but hey i hope it works and you get your computer back on track and what not
well one of the things i did to keep random myspace bots from adding me or it seems to help is make your profile private but i also find it funny how you havent even tryed the vista brute force thing but hey i hope it works and you get your computer back on track and what not

Those bots are mean. But I don't plan on to really using my space anyways. Haven't really use it yet and don't plan on using it any more because of this problem it gave me. They really should disable things like embedded JavaScript and ActiveX. Just to easy for people to get their computer fucked up because of it. O.O

Also I haven't tried the hack simply because I've been to lazy to format my computer. =P

Been running the bloody thing for 3 hours now and no luck. :cry:

NoPeace - out
Whats a "myspace"? New show on mtv?