I hav no mum

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Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2003
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She isn't supporting me. I hav nothing available 2 me coz of the shit grades and that bitch doesn't help me thru it. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a mother ne more
speedhorn666 said:
She isn't supporting me. I hav nothing available 2 me coz of the shit grades and that bitch doesn't help me thru it. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a mother ne more

m8 i hear what ya saying i have no mother and father im always singled out to my other brothers they get every thing i get fuck all so i understand what ya on bout. i ignore them sometimes and we dont get on really im always out of there way.
im depend on maself and fuck mah parents if they wanna be like that.
i have had this converstaion with them 100's times and nothing has changed. im seriously thinking of moving out.
Re: Re: I hav no mum

carnage said:
m8 i hear what ya saying i have no mother and father im always singled out to my other brothers they get every thing i get fuck all so i understand what ya on bout. i ignore them sometimes and we dont get on really im always out of there way.
im depend on maself and fuck mah parents if they wanna be like that.
i have had this converstaion with them 100's times and nothing has changed. im seriously thinking of moving out.
:( sorry 2 hear that m8. I live with my EXmum and her bf. My sister's 18 so she's long gone lol. She still manages 2 ignore me wheneva I actually need her yet if I eva ignore her I've commited a crime. I've had enuf but I need 2 stay here and go 2 college so I can get money 2gether
Re: Re: Re: I hav no mum

speedhorn666 said:
:( sorry 2 hear that m8. I live with my EXmum and her bf. My sister's 18 so she's long gone lol. She still manages 2 ignore me wheneva I actually need her yet if I eva ignore her I've commited a crime. I've had enuf but I need 2 stay here and go 2 college so I can get money 2gether
nm bout me lol this post bout u and i hope every thing works out m8 i really do:good:
keep ya chin up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I hav no mum

carnage said:
nm bout me
like I'd eva do that ;)

Seriously I don't think it's gonna get betta 4 a long time. Now instead of lookin 4ward 2 college I'm lookin at it as if it's an obsticle that I hav do get thru
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I hav no mum

speedhorn666 said:
like I'd eva do that ;)

Seriously I don't think it's gonna get betta 4 a long time. Now instead of lookin 4ward 2 college I'm lookin at it as if it's an obsticle that I hav do get thru

life is 1 big obsticle loads of up's and down's just keep plugging and good things will happen.:good:
my parents never help me through anything man, no support, nothing not anymore they used to pay for stuff when i was younger but that stopped after i got a paper round.
im the oldest of my 2 brothers so i have no1 to turn to, never have and im gettin pretty upset writing this thinking about my life atm. my grades in school are uber fucked and ive spent the last 7 years of my life training everyday, when im not training im on my pc i hardly ever do anything else, sometimes i may go out to a house party but then its back to the same old routine, day in day out.
but u gotta fucking remember you gotta live for the good times, live for when some1 posts something dumb and we all laugh. be happy cos there are people who do give 2 fucks about u there are people who care about more than money or themselves.
Exclamatio said:
but u gotta fucking remember you gotta live for the good times, live for when some1 posts something dumb and we all laugh. be happy cos there are people who do give 2 fucks about u there are people who care about more than money or themselves.
lol I'll c wot I can do. Don't think there's many of those ppl tho
my parents on same.. they try to encourge me but if they mean encouraging as .

GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR FAT LAZY ARSE AND DO SOMETHING is encouragement. then well.. it isnt working

they say the worst possible shit to me which fucks me up in the head and i want to shoot myself. its not good.

its like im trying my best but my best isnt good enough for them so whats the point.. fading away is the only way to keep them happy and my mom seems to be happy when im not around my dad seems to like ignore me and when he does see me he allways has a problem with me..

its fucking bullshit and i wish it would stop.
MentaL said:
my parents on same.. they try to encourge me but if they mean encouraging as .

GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR FAT LAZY ARSE AND DO SOMETHING is encouragement. then well.. it isnt working

they say the worst possible shit to me which fucks me up in the head and i want to shoot myself. its not good.

its like im trying my best but my best isnt good enough for them so whats the point.. fading away is the only way to keep them happy and my mom seems to be happy when im not around my dad seems to like ignore me and when he does see me he allways has a problem with me..

its fucking bullshit and i wish it would stop.

same here they just word everything wrong, get a load of this my mum said the other day.

after my lil bro who is 6 spilt a drink or something my mum was goin mad saying if we had a new carpet it would have been stained, if we were living in africa tey would kill for our food. i mean wtf is she fucking smoking?
she then said that we are gonna be banned from eating so that way we cant spill any food...
crazy bitch
My parents same...
:ife sucks, can't wait to live on my own, those will be the days ^-^
my steep dad cryed at me cos i scrached all the back of his car psshhhh:) i opend the automatic garage door (o_O posh:P) n it scraped his bumped abit y it was going up. he was crying his eyes out he said im not allowed to get my bike out anymore i have to get sum1 else to do it:lol:
STEELY said:
my steep dad cryed at me cos i scrached all the back of his car psshhhh:) i opend the automatic garage door (o_O posh:P) n it scraped his bumped abit y it was going up. he was crying his eyes out he said im not allowed to get my bike out anymore i have to get sum1 else to do it:lol:

lmao!!! omg i wish i could of seen that
speedhorn666 said:
She isn't supporting me. I hav nothing available 2 me coz of the shit grades and that bitch doesn't help me thru it. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a mother ne more
cheer up hun i'm sure she doesnt mean to be like that she's probably just ... being a parent... cant explain it, but you know how they can be...

STEELY said:
my steep dad cryed at me cos i scrached all the back of his car psshhhh:) i opend the automatic garage door (o_O posh:P) n it scraped his bumped abit y it was going up. he was crying his eyes out he said im not allowed to get my bike out anymore i have to get sum1 else to do it:lol:
if that were my car i'd cry too o.O have you any idea how much repairing something like that can cost O.O

neway my parents can be .... grrrr sometimes too y'know... but i dont have much to complain about, in the end they're ok :)
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