i have dbc problem for mangos 1.12.1

May 7, 2006
Reaction score
sorry my bad english

i using mangos db 0.6.2 fixed


Revision_3321_+_ScriptDev2_Revision_28_+_Honor0.70 _+_PW_System_win32_By_Albatror


Revision_3321_+_ScriptDev2_Revision_28_+_Honor0.70 _+_Jail_win32_By_Albatror

i have 1 problem for server.txt
i see loading for mangosd

2007-03-16 18:24:48 Loading Spell Chain Data...
2007-03-16 18:24:48 ERROR:Spell 23489 listed in `spell_chain` have not compatiable chain data (prev: 20219, first: 4036, rank: 0)
2007-03-16 18:24:48 ERROR:Spell 23486 listed in `spell_chain` have not compatiable chain data (prev: 20222, first: 4036, rank: 0)
2007-03-16 18:24:48
2007-03-16 18:24:48 >> Loaded 1330 spell chain records
2007-03-16 18:24:48 Loading Spell Learn Skills...
2007-03-16 18:24:48
2007-03-16 18:24:48 >> Loaded 40 spell learn skills + found in DBC 56
2007-03-16 18:24:48 Loading Spell Learn Spells...
2007-03-16 18:24:48 ERROR:SQL: SELECT `entry`, `SpellID`,`IfNoSpell` FROM `spell_learn_spell`
2007-03-16 18:24:48 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos.spell_learn_spell' doesn't exist
2007-03-16 18:24:48
2007-03-16 18:24:48 >> Loaded 0 spell learn spells
2007-03-16 18:24:48 ERROR:`spell_learn_spell` table is empty!
2007-03-16 18:24:48 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
2007-03-16 18:24:48 >> Loaded 819 spell proc event conditions

please help me sql table speel_learn_speel need ?

sorry bad my eng.
