I Have Gm On Real Wow Us Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score

Please.... I NEED HELP!!!

I swear to all that is holy that my lvl (2) ALT (my bank) has a <GM> tag next to his name!!! I can /who all alliance, talk to alliance, and no people can /friend me, but I never appear online, only when you /who me can you see <GM>myname (security reasons so no blizzard can find out who I am) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I have tried all the commands for "hacked" servers, however no .setlevel etc. commands will work, it just blurts it out in /s chat. I tried /script commands /console commands trying to blend things together, but I have not found a single thing.

If ANYONE knows how to use actual GM commands in an actual WOW server and not a hacked one, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE POST!!!! I am begging you, I want to take FULL advantage of this extremely rare occasion that I don't believe anyone has ever been given...

I have been trying to find commands for MONTHES!!! But this is the first forum that I found that people actually know what they are talking about when it comes to scripting... so please please please HELP!!!

If you don't believe me, post and I can send ss's of <GM> next to my name etc. HELP!
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This just happened while on the account trying to figure things out.

My character went /afk while posting this thread... and I scrolled up in my chat log just to see what people were saying etc. (Im hidden in orgrimmar)

[Battleground]"myname": Nice dmg bogo.

First... WTF? I didnt type this, and im not in a BG.

2nd... bogo isnt my name in game

3rd... It had my ingame name for the person that typed it....

post screenshots and try to go to gmisland ;)

+ try to search for the gm realm ;)

New screen shot to PROVE that its a REAL US SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please help me with commands! Anything you supply me, I will take screen shots to help you out with errors, etc so we can work out how to get this ball rolling :)
yeah that is definetly a us realm ;)

btw the commands are ! not .
I see... but still how would I enter them?

/s !setlevel 3
/s !where
None of these commands worked, I went down the list, (im in a spot in org where no one can find me or hear what i type so I have a lot of flexibility)

If you know a /command before I type in the !command, that would be awesome :) Or if there is just a completely different way to enter in the information.
I believe /gm opens up a GM ticket for help does it not? Extremely risky to open up a GM ticket with a GM command as the question on a GM account... hahaha

I will try the /prefix in just a minute, doing a battleground on my 70 which is also on this server :X
I tried:
/s !command

All didn't work, for the /prefix::/gm it just said type /help for some commands... as if neither /prefix nor /gm exist as any command.

Any other ideas?
Also I found this while surfing the net... however I have tried many different ways to enter them in.

target_<target name>_apply_mod:size_<a # from 1-99999999999>

or, increase speed

/target_<self> _apply_mod:speed_increase_< a # from 1-9999999999>

and just for kicks, heres the spwan

/spawn_mob:<mob I.D.# (can get from WoW Model Viewer)>_location:<(cord mod requirered)x,y>

I tried /script than the thread, and it kept coming up with errors until i put an = an the correct spots.
Also I tried making the _ spaces (_ causes an error in /script) etc to make it work, but couldn't get anything going.

So confusing :( Wish I was a coder!
/spawn_mob:<mob I.D.# (can get from WoW Model Viewer)>_location:<(cord mod requirered)x,y>

did that 1 work?
when i try /console !setlevel 3 - it enters, and nothing is returned like the /help for some commands reply, but nothing happens either. I tried just typing in /console z and it does nothing as well. Any idea on how to actually use the /console command?
add console at the beginning of your WoW.exe and maybe the launcher aswell
I don't know of any mob id's or spawns for orgrimmar to even tell if it did work for the spawn, but the size/speed I tried and couldn't get working @ all.