I have Problem with my server v14 Offical

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
I tried to accees the server and I installed everything and I am and my friends(2 gm's) tried login
and we have same problem at all of us
It says: cannot connect to the game server Please check the network
We have opened account already but we cannot enter to the server
Help me as you can

some Friend Help me Write that text xD
Last edited:
I tried to accees the server and I installed everything and I am and my friends(2 gm's) tried login
and we have same problem at all of us
It says: cannot connect to the game server Please check the network
We have opened account already but we cannot enter to the server
Help me as you can

some Friend Help me Write that text xD

I Suggest Using Hamachi Its The Most Simplest... Just Replace ALL the ip's in ur Ini's with your Hamachi ip and walla.. ez.. so other peeps can connect..

oh, and wrong section
You do not understand what I mean I opened ports and I do not need Hamachi it makes everyone just that it's not just me, or installation problem in one file that I opened the ports and put my ip , it makes me and all the pressures to open it after the user click to enter A. Then the user simply continues to move and entered the game among

Sorry i have spelling mistakes

Please help me
Make sure you forwarded ports correctly, and did you test your server locally? aka in neuz.ini set it to on the server pc.
Forwarded :

TPC 15400

TPC : 23000

TPC: 28000

When I try to access IP it gives me the same problem
i know but if i do it local []

It does the same problem
ok well what neuz are you using?
Try using A diffrent Core.php I have one here :D

|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!

* @author Meth0d
* @desc Main HoloCMS Processor
* @usage N/A

define("IN_HOLOCMS", TRUE);

// #########################################################################
// Start the initalization process


// Launch the installer if needed
if(empty($sqlpassword) || empty($sqlusername) || empty($sqldb) || empty($sqlhostname)){


} else {

if(file_exists('install.php') || file_exists('upgrade.php') && $bypass_check != true){

echo "<h1>Security Alert</h1><hr>It appears you have already executed the installation script or written your configuration file. To start using your site, for security reasons, please delete install.php and/or upgrade.php from the HoloCMS directory to proceed. If you have not yet completed installation or wish to execute it again, please <a href='install.php'>click here</a>.<hr><i>HoloCMS</i>";
} else {




// Validate the langauge
$language_path = "./".$language."index.php";
$language_path_2 = "../".$language."index.php";

if(file_exists($language_path) || file_exists($language_path_2)){
$valid_language = true;
} else {
$language = "en";
$valid_language = false;

// #########################################################################
// Define the variables HoloCMS wants to use later on

$remote_ip = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR];
$configsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_system LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$config = mysql_fetch_assoc($configsql);
$enable_sso = $config['enable_sso'];
$language = $config['language'];
$sitename = $config['sitename'];
$shortname = $config['shortname'];
$ip = $config['ip'];
$dcr = $config['dcr'];
$port = FetchServerSetting('server_game_port');
$fport = FetchServerSetting('server_mus_port');
$texts = $config['texts'];
$variables = $config['variables'];
$reload_url = $config['reload_url'];
$maintenance = $config['site_closed'];
$H = date('H');
$i = date('i');
$s = date('s');
$m = date('m');
$d = date('d');
$Y = date('Y');
$j = date('j');
$n = date('n');
$today = $d;
$month = $m;
$year = $Y;
$date_normal = date('d-m-Y',mktime($m,$d,$Y));
$date_reversed = date('Y-m-d', mktime($m,$d,$y));
$date_full = date('d-m-Y H:i:s',mktime($H,$i,$s,$m,$d,$Y));
$date_time = date('H:i:s',mktime($H,$i,$s));
$date_hc = "".$j."-".$n."-".$Y."";
$regdate = $date_normal;
$s1ql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM system LIMIT 1");
$r1ow = mysql_fetch_assoc($s1ql);
$online_count = $r1ow['onlinecount'];
$server_on_localhost = $config['localhost'];
$habboversion = "23_deebb3529e0d9d4e847a31e5f6fb4c5b/9";
$forumid = $_GET['id'];
$analytics = HoloText($config['analytics'], true)."\n";

// #########################################################################

function FetchServerSetting($strSetting, $switch = false){

$tmp = mysql_query("SELECT sval FROM system_config WHERE skey = '".$strSetting."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($tmp);

if($switch !== true){
return $tmp['sval'];
} elseif($switch == true && $tmp['sval'] == "1"){
return "Enabled";
} elseif($switch == true && $tmp['sval'] !== "1"){
return "Disabled";


// #########################################################################

function getContent($strKey){

$tmp = mysql_query("SELECT contentvalue FROM cms_content WHERE contentkey = '".FilterText($strKey)."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($tmp);
return $tmp['contentvalue'];


// #########################################################################

function FetchCMSSetting($strSetting){

$tmp = mysql_query("SELECT ".$strSetting." FROM cms_system LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($tmp);
return $tmp[$strSetting];


// #########################################################################
// If a user is logged out and has a 'remember me' cookie, validate the information
// in the cookie and log the user in if everything's valid.
// Please do not mess with this. It is a fairly simple process, but if it doesn't work
// properly it can cause a huge mess. Everything in this function is commented.

if(!session_is_registered(username) && $_COOKIE['remember'] == "remember"){

// Get variables stored in cookies; the username and sha1 hashed password
$cname = FilterText($_COOKIE['rusername']);
$cpass_hash = $_COOKIE['rpassword'];

// Now fetch the password that belongs to this user from the database
$csql = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE name = '".$cname."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$cnum = mysql_num_rows($csql);

// If no results are returned (invalid username, destroy the cookie
if($cnum < 1){
setcookie("remember", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");
setcookie("rusername", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");
setcookie("rpassword", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");
} else {

// We found a user, now get his password and hash it
$crow = mysql_fetch_assoc($csql);
$correct_pass = $crow['password'];

// Check if the hashed database password and hash in the cookie match
// If no, destroy the cookie. If yes, log the user in.
if($cpass_hash == $correct_pass){
$_SESSION['username'] = $cname;
$_SESSION['password'] = $crow['password'];
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lastvisit = '".$date_full."' WHERE name = '" . $cname . "'") or die(mysql_error());
header("Location: security_check.php");
} else {
setcookie("remember", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");
setcookie("rusername", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");
setcookie("rpassword", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", time()-60*60*24***** "/");



// #########################################################################

function IsEven($intNumber)
if($intNumber % 2 == 0){
return true;
} else {
return false;

// #########################################################################

function bbcode_format($str){

// Parse smilies
if(HoloText(getContent('enable-smilies'), true) == "1"){
$str = str_replace(":)", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/smile.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(";)", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/wink.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(":P", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/tongue.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(";P", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/winktongue.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(":p", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/tongue.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(";p", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/winktongue.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace("(L)", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/heart.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace("(l)", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/heart.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(":o", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/shocked.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);
$str = str_replace(":O", " <img src='./web-gallery/smilies/shocked.gif' alt='Smiley' title='Smiley' border='0'> ", $str);

// Parse BB code
$simple_search = array(

$simple_replace = array(
"<div class='bbcode-quote'>$1</div>",
"<a href='$1'>$2</a>",
"<a href='$1'>$2</a>",
"<font color='$1'>$2</font>",
"<font size='1'>$1</font>",
"<font size='3'>$1</font>",
"<a href='./user_profile.php?id=$1'>$2</a>",
"<a onclick=\"roomForward(this, '$1', 'private'); return false;\" target=\"client\" href=\"./client.php?forwardId=2&roomId=$1\">$2</a>",
"<a href='./group_profile.php?id=$1'>$2</a>"

$str = preg_replace ($simple_search, $simple_replace, $str);

return $str;

// #########################################################################

function GenerateTicket(){

$data = "ST-";

for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++){
$data = $data . rand(0,9);

$data = $data . "-";

for ($i=1; $i<=20; $i++){
$data = $data . rand(0,9);

$data = $data . "-holo-fe";
$data = $data . rand(0,5);

return $data;

// #########################################################################

// Collectable check (showroom). It can be that a collectable isn't in the collectables showroom. We're gonna do that now.
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_collectables");

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
$date = (date('m') - 1);
if($date >= $row['month']) {
mysql_query("UPDATE cms_collectables SET showroom='1' WHERE id='".$row['id']."' LIMIT 1");

if(date('Y') != $row['year']) {
mysql_query("UPDATE cms_collectables SET showroom='1' WHERE id='".$row['id']."' LIMIT 1");

// #########################################################################


$rawname = $_SESSION['username']; // Has slashes added and lacking proper capitals
$rawpass = $_SESSION['password']; // HoloHash()'ed user password

$usersql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '".$rawname."' AND password = '".$rawpass."' LIMIT 1");
$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($usersql);

$password_correct = mysql_num_rows($usersql);

$my_id = $myrow['id'];
$user_rank = $myrow['rank'];

$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_bans WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' OR ipaddress = '".$remote_ip."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$is_banned = mysql_num_rows($check);

if($password_correct !== 1){ // Invalid credentials. Possible session hijack attempt, so we log the user out.


} elseif($is_banned > 0){

$bandata = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$reason = $bandata['descr'];
$expire = $bandata['date_expire'];

$xbits = explode(" ", $expire);
$xtime = explode(":", $xbits[1]);
$xdate = explode("-", $xbits[0]);

$stamp_now = time();
$stamp_expire = mktime($xtime[0], $xtime[1], $xtime[2], $xdate[0], $xdate[1], $xdate[2]);

if($stamp_now < $stamp_expire){

$login_error = "You have been banned! The reason for this ban is \"" . $reason . "\". The ban will expire at " . $expire . ".";

} else {

// ban expired
mysql_query("DELETE FROM users_bans WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' OR ipaddress = '".$remote_ip."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());


if($enable_sso == 1 && $password_correct == 1){

$myticket = $myrow['ticket_sso'];

// if(empty($myticket) || $myticket == "0" || strlen($myticket) < 39){
// $myticket = GenerateTicket();
// mysql_query("UPDATE users SET ticket_sso = '".$myticket."', ipaddress_last = '".$remote_ip."' WHERE id = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
// }

} else {
$myticket = "ST-NoTicketToGenerate-holo-fe";

$logged_in = true;
$name = HoloText($myrow['name']);

} else {

$user_rank = 0;
$name = "Guest";
$my_id = "GUEST";
$myticket = "ST-Guest-holo-fe";
$logged_in = false;


// #########################################################################
// Gift check (noob/welcome stuff)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT noob,gift,sort,roomid,lastgift FROM users WHERE id='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
if($row['gift'] < 3) {
if($row['noob'] == 1) {
if($row['lastgift'] < date("d-m-Y")) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms_noobgifts (userid,gift,read) VALUES ('".$my_id."','".$row['gift']."','0')");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lastgift='".date("d-m-Y")."',gift=gift+'1' WHERE id='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
// #########################################################################
if($enable_status_image == "1"){
if($server_on_localhost != 0 || $ip == ""){
$fip = "";
} else {
$fip = $ip;

$fp = @fsockopen($fip, $fport, $errno, $errstr, 1);

$online = "online";
} else {
$online = "offline";
$online = "online";

// #########################################################################

if($user_rank > 5){
if(session_is_registered(hkusername) && session_is_registered(hkpassword)){
$rank['iAdmin'] = "1";
} else {
$rank['iAdmin'] = "0";
} else {
$rank['iAdmin'] = "0";

// #########################################################################

function GetUserBadge($strName){ // supports user IDs also

$check = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = '".$strName."' AND badge_status = '1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
} else {
$check = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = '".FilterText($strName)."' AND badge_status = '1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

$exists = mysql_num_rows($check);

if($exists > 0){
$usrrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_badges WHERE userid = '".$usrrow['id']."' AND iscurrent = '1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$hasbadge = mysql_num_rows($check);
if($hasbadge > 0){
$badgerow = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
return $badgerow['badgeid'];
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;

// #########################################################################

function GetUserGroup($my_id){
$check = mysql_query("SELECT groupid FROM groups_memberships WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' AND is_current = '1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$has_fave = mysql_num_rows($check);

if($has_fave > 0){

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$groupid = $row['groupid'];

return $groupid;

} else {

return false;


// #########################################################################

function GetUserGroupBadge($my_id){
$check = mysql_query("SELECT groupid FROM groups_memberships WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' AND is_current = '1' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$has_badge = mysql_num_rows($check);

if($has_badge > 0){

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$groupid = $row['groupid'];

$check = mysql_query("SELECT badge FROM groups_details WHERE id = '".$groupid."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$badge = $row['badge'];

return $badge;

} else {

return false;


// #########################################################################

// Calculate the amount of HC Days left
function HCDaysLeft($my_id){

// Query for the info we need to calculate
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT months_left,date_monthstarted FROM users_club WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
$valid = mysql_num_rows($sql);

if($valid > 0){

// Collect the variables we need from the query result
$months_left = $tmp['months_left'];
$month_started = $tmp['date_monthstarted'];

// We take 31 days for every month left, assuming each month has 31 days
$days_left = $months_left * 31;

// Split up the day/month/year so we can use it with mktime
$tmp = explode("-", $month_started);
$day = $tmp[0];
$month = $tmp[1];
$year = $tmp[2];

// First of all make the dates we want to compare, do some math
$then = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year, 0);
$now = time();
$difference = $now - $then;

// If this month expired already
if ($difference < 0){
$difference = 0;

// Now do some math
$days_expired = floor($difference/60/60/24);

// $days_expired stands for the days we already wasted in this month
// 31 days for each month added together, minus the days we've wasted in the current month, is the amount of days we have left, totally
$days_left = $days_left - $days_expired;

return $days_left;

} else {
return 0;

// #########################################################################

if($maintenance == "1" && !$is_maintenance && $rank['iAdmin'] < 1){
header("Location: maintenance.php");
} elseif($rank['iAdmin'] == 1 && $maintenance == 1){
$notify_maintenance = true;

// #########################################################################

function IsHCMember($my_id){
if(HCDaysLeft($my_id) > 0 ){
return true;
} else {
// Make sure that HC members are _not_ rank 2 and that they do not have their gay little badge
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_club WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
$clubrecord = mysql_num_rows($check);
if($clubrecord > 0){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET badge_status = '0', hc_before='1' WHERE id = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET rank = '1' WHERE id = '".$my_id."' AND rank = '2' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("DELETE FROM users_badges WHERE badgecode = 'HC1' OR badgeid = 'HC2' AND userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM users_club WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
if(function_exists(SendMUSData) !== true){ include('includes/mus.php'); }
@SendMUSData('UPRS' . $my_id);
return false;

// #########################################################################

function GiveHC($user_id, $months){

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_club WHERE userid = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$valid = mysql_num_rows($sql);

if($valid > 0){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET rank = '2' WHERE rank = '1' AND id = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE users_club SET months_left = months_left + ".$months." WHERE userid = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_badges WHERE badgeid = 'HC1' AND userid = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$found = mysql_num_rows($check);
if($found !== 1){ // No badge. Poor thing.
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET badge_status = '0' WHERE id = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE users_badges SET iscurrent = '0' WHERE userid = '".$user_id."'") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users_badges (userid,badgeid,iscurrent) VALUES ('".$user_id."','HC1','1')") or die(mysql_error());
} else {
$m = date('m');
$d = date('d');
$Y = date('Y');
$date = date('d-m-Y', mktime($m,$d,$Y));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users_club (userid,date_monthstarted,months_expired,months_left) VALUES ('".$user_id."','".$date."','0','0')") or die(mysql_error());
GiveHC($user_id, $months);

if(function_exists(SendMUSData) !== true){ include('includes/mus.php'); }
@SendMUSData('UPRS' . $user_id);
@SendMUSData('UPRC' . $user_id);

// #########################################################################

$blob = time();
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET online = '".$blob."', ipaddress_last = '".$remote_ip."' WHERE id = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
//if($phail == true){
//echo "<b>Please wait..</b><br />Please wait while we update your HoloDB compatability..<br />";
//mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `online` TEXT NOT NULL ;") or die(mysql_error());
//echo "Done! Please reload this page to proceed. You will not see this message again.";

// #########################################################################

function IsUserOnline($intUID){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT online FROM users WHERE id = '".$intUID."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$timeout = 600; // 10 minutes ?

if(mysql_num_rows($result) < 1){
return false;
} else {
$result = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$result = $result[0];
$result = $result + $timeout;
if($result >= time()){
return true;
} else {
return false;

// #########################################################################

function IsUserBanned($my_id){

$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_bans WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
$is_banned = mysql_num_rows($check);

if(!is_numeric($my_id)){ return false; }

if($is_banned > 0){
$bandata = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
$reason = $bandata['descr'];
$expire = $bandata['date_expire'];

$xbits = explode(" ", $expire);
$xtime = explode(":", $xbits[1]);
$xdate = explode("-", $xbits[0]);

$stamp_now = time();
$stamp_expire = mktime($xtime[0], $xtime[1], $xtime[2], $xdate[0], $xdate[1], $xdate[2]);

if($stamp_now < $stamp_expire){
return true;
} else { // ban expired
mysql_query("DELETE FROM users_bans WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
return false;
} else {
return false;

// #########################################################################

function mysql_evaluate($query, $default_value="undefined") {
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

if(mysql_num_rows($result) < 1){
return $default_value;
} else {
return mysql_result($result, 0);

// #########################################################################

function FilterText($str, $advanced=false) {
if($advanced == true){ return mysql_real_escape_string($str); }
$str = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($str));
return $str;

function HoloText($str, $advanced=false, $bbcode=false) {
if($advanced == true){ return stripslashes($str); }
$str = stripslashes(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str)));
if($bbcode == true){$str = bbcode_format($str); }
return $str;

// #########################################################################

