regards to all :smilie_xp
I have a problem mounting a gunzServ with the MatchServ of 14 of july.
I instaled MSSQL 2005
I create DB GunZ
I Restore the DB from mythical SQL
I Insert a new account
I Create the StoredProcedures from the post "Locator 100% - Cript Style"
I Insert a blockCountry (0,JP)
I extract the system.mrs, edit the zlocator.xml and the system.xml, target to
I rebuild system.mrs and copy back to gunz folder
I run de locator.exe and the MatchServer.exe
I don't view the server into the locator.
I look into the database, the table ServerStats, and the value Opened contain a null, and the port say 8900.
I change manual this values to opened = 1 and port=6000
Now the serv is into the locator window
I run my GunzClient, December 12 release. I look the serv in the login list, and
I put my user & pass, and the client say "Server It's down or getting updates"
WTF? :scratch:
I want to test first the serv in I revised the ip's into config files, and are good.
Can help me? :scratch:
I have a problem mounting a gunzServ with the MatchServ of 14 of july.
I instaled MSSQL 2005
I create DB GunZ
I Restore the DB from mythical SQL
I Insert a new account
I Create the StoredProcedures from the post "Locator 100% - Cript Style"
I Insert a blockCountry (0,JP)
I extract the system.mrs, edit the zlocator.xml and the system.xml, target to
I rebuild system.mrs and copy back to gunz folder
I run de locator.exe and the MatchServer.exe
I don't view the server into the locator.
I look into the database, the table ServerStats, and the value Opened contain a null, and the port say 8900.
I change manual this values to opened = 1 and port=6000
Now the serv is into the locator window
I run my GunzClient, December 12 release. I look the serv in the login list, and
I put my user & pass, and the client say "Server It's down or getting updates"
WTF? :scratch:
I want to test first the serv in I revised the ip's into config files, and are good.
Can help me? :scratch: