i know present, er... it dont have a name..

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
canada,Ont, NB
lol.. with the allmighty courage giving to me by these words..

lol, dont worry, everyone who reads these threads was laughing at me last week.. cuz im horrible at making sigs.. lol... but i just made a new 1.. im somewhat scared to show it tho

it wasnt a bad laugh it was a good laugh lol

you shouldnt be afraid to show your sig we criticize to help

i present

e-x-o - i know present, er... it dont have a name.. - RaGEZONE Forums
read some tut online dude, bad sig 2/10
needs a lot of work, the sig doesn't flow and the renders have been resized without maintaining the ratio. Background is terrible get some brushes saves a lot of effort in the beginning. text is a terrible font and size, you should change it to size 10/12 in your early works because anything bigger and its gonna catch eyes, work on your colour co-ordination some too.

as it stands 2/10
read some tut online dude, bad sig 2/10

if its bad at least tell him how to improve.

Yea its pretty bad that blue lightning doesn't flow so well with the BG
The size is too large try something like 300x100
Font doesn't fit so well www.dafont.com
Try brushing the background but dont make the filter too..mm whats the word ...Visible?
lol, loki, if you cant notice.. the 2nd sig is in my actual sig, i wasent presenting it.. and bensonhu, its only 325x125.. and whats a filter? -.-
i did, i told him to read some tut, see? im not the unsensitive guy/girl after all
i did, i told him to read some tut, see? im not the unsensitive guy/girl after all

bah nvm -.-

lol, loki, if you cant notice.. the 2nd sig is in my actual sig, i wasent presenting it.. and bensonhu, its only 325x125.. and whats a filter? -.-

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