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I made my server, but friend can't join.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
I finally got my server up, it works perfect for me. But my friend wants to join so I gave him my IP from Hamachi, and told him to put the IP into his lconfig.nhd file. Now when he trys to connect, he gets the "Undergoing matainence" error.

He has the latest Rose version 1.39 and also has the Rose 1.38 Trose.exe. I don't know if a problem caused by me, or a problem caused by him. Any help will be appreciated.
You need to port forward :P gotta go into your router and allow the ports for the game. um.. check the stickys for the port forward or gimmie a min and i'll post it.
The ports you need to forward are: 29000, 29100, 29200
If your using the multi world, you need to forward: 29000, 29100, 29200, 29101, 29201

4.) When I try to login, I get "The Servers are currently undergoing maintenance"
Solution: Go into your config.ini and change the access of 300 to 100.
All ports work because I enabled DMZ on my modem. And I don't have the config.ini because it didn't come with the files I downloaded. I was told you don't even need the config.ini anymore. The access is not set on 300 and never was in the first place. Why can't things just work...

i'm in that situation too. I donwloaded hamachi, forworded all the ports, access lvl is 100. Checked the other 2 detailed hamachi guides, but still doesn't work. pls help.
well settings up a public server using hamachi is easier...
im using hamachi set up and im having no trouble at all connecting...
for the other option you need to forward all your ports...
there is a guide in here...
for the hamachi set up...
here's what i did...

1.download and install hamachi
2.put your hamachi ip in charserver.conf, loginserver.conf, worldserver.conf
3.if youre using nhed's launcher also change the ip in lconfig.ini to connect to your server(just change the ip of whatever client you are using to your hamachi client)
4.after you've installed and setup hamachi create an existing network preferably your servers name
3.let your friend download and install hamachi
5.after your friend has setup his/her hamachi let your friend join your network in hamachi
6.make sure that your friends ip in his/her launcher is the same as your hamachi ip
7.launch and enjoy ;)

hope this helps...
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