i need help with my mangos server

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 11, 2007
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ok so i made a mangos server about a week ago and its pissing me off its made on my windows computer in edmonton and i want to play it on my mac so we set it up so it was local and me and my friends could join it BUT the issue im having is when i start up RDC (on my mac) and i start up mangosd.exe and then i start up realmd.exe and i try play it from my mac it keeps bringing me to the realm selection screen HELP SOS PLZZZZZ
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I think this is a LAN problem, Ive been trying to get it to work over lan but all i get is realm loop, currently searching the forums to see if i can find a fix
relam loop fix is easy
goto your DATABASE under either relamd or realmd_bc open REALMLIST table
change the address to your LOCAL IP ADDRESS.
change the port to either 8085 or 8086.
Open your mangos.cfg and all IPS should be this is the same for the realmd.config

in the mangod.cfg change

# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 8085 or the port you have changed it to...

this should sort out the problem.
I am not to sure if the mac might use a different port it is very very unlikely but you can change the 8085 to 8084,8085,8086 and try them all

Good luck
ok so new problem i have my server running from my windows computer and im able to play it on my mac but now i dont know how to get my friends to join i was able to get on a bit difrently though i was able to get on to the same network as the one in edmonton and connect there and yes it was a LAN problem now back to the drawing board for getting my friends to play thanks for the advice and help is you have any suggestions lemme know
I used a no-ip address downloaded the software and it update my external ip to a dns name
then i just modified the realmd database and changed the external ip address to the dns name, then for the lan i went to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc open up the hosts file and added
x.x.x no-ip.com
x.x.x is you lan address of the server and the no-ip.com is you domain you have got (this should only be done for the lan users all external users will resolve the ip to your external)
also remember to open up all of the ports on your router/firewall