i searched my list

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
hey i searched my item id list , i cant find the new jewlery id's like the Lava Set or Cliff Set or Typhoon set the lvl 100 jewlery nor the 140 jewlery nor the 160 jewlery .. can someone direct me to a list of this new jewlery or where in my list would it be cause i already looked under jewlery section please and thank you
What the hell? Lava Set, Cliff set, Typhoon?????? What game are you playing? O.O
you guys never played RoseNA i see then

its the new jewlery in game for a while now
there is lvl 100 , 140 , 160 jewlerys they got like ap15 ap30 crit 50 and def40 and all mspd50 aspd50
its all there
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