I swear this is so retarded

The Unbeatable
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Yesterday i was watching some video on MTV and some guy was showing his middle finger, and it was censored, you know blurred out, and now i see the clip lap dance of N.e.r.d and there are nude girls all over which aren't censored, i mean don't get me wrong, i don't mind the nude girls at all, but why aren't they censoring that when a middle finger does get censored?
i dobnt know its like having the word 5h!7 censored but not damn, or bitch it just makes no sense, but if u wanna laugh at the censors, then watrch Jimmy Kimmel in Fridays, he as a segment with "random" censoring
Thats the problem... people take advantage of the freedom they have, and make stupid decisions. Censorship should be elimated!
Yep it IS retarded.

Just like how sex is EVIL in movies but violence is a-okay for kids to see :good:
Kaoii767 said:
tbh i dont really understand that either. to deny sex is to make someone unhuman. if sexual denial keeps continuing, poeple wont know what to do when they want a kid.

its just funny to me that parents seem more ok that their childs watching the governator blow up things but start to get pissed when a couple starts getting busy.

I was watching a kiddy show one time... it was early of course, and it had nudity. It wasn't one of those see-through things, it was full blown tit in your face nudity!
you guys have it too easy...

18 rated films here start at 12 o' clock midnight (from a greek music channel) and i get the 18 rated MTV videos at 2am or something like that.

Either way, my mother doesent mind the sex scenes :tp: she minds the violence :no:
But either way now im "older" so she doesent really care
movies here ALWAYS start at 21:00 and all X rated (18+) start at 2am except of one satelite subscitpion thingy, where it MAY play porn at midnight once a month