Iain vs ElMarshal v2

Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
after my shit performance here

i decided to have another shot at it Online Video: Iain vs Elmarshal 2.0 | Veoh Video Network

this is made my elnub so ofc its going to be him look better than he actually is :tongue:(ofc i still won more)

Iain - Iain vs ElMarshal v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

he wanted me to post this so he had proof that be forgot to record 2 of his wins

Iain! L2PvP, seriously :tongue:
done so!
Iain... Wow... Such an improvement in a few days :eek: your timing with HoJ and Repentance is nearly perfect.

I hope you'll be killing any Alliance on sight now :tongue:
Ahhh, im going to pwn Genryu so hard on my pala when he is back. His PvP geared equip aint got shit on my 1700 armor!:@ And no I wont use heal, ill show Pala's arent noobie!!!!!!!11111oennoeneoenoeenonw0wtard Its going to be 19 vs 20 I cant wait, HES GOING DOWN!

Oh dude I still want those addons o.O!
Iain... Wow... Such an improvement in a few days :eek: your timing with HoJ and Repentance is nearly perfect.

I hope you'll be killing any Alliance on sight now :tongue:

Heh, i watched what i was doing wrong so hopefully not anymore bwuahahah

(Yes i hope so also, need to turn iain into pvp instead of care bear)
My pally's only 49 *bounce through alts all the time* but I'd pwn j00000! :P
Oh my god.. to lose Paladin vs Mage is like.. warlock losing to.. uhm.. Any class.

It's just not possible.
Yeah my lock totally rocks the Battlegrounds. Though my Pally is probably more annoying overall :P
On my lock I cause the most damage generally in the battleground, though nearly every other class can pose a challenge to it. On my Pally I'm much more rounded, and focus on healing and buffing, protecting the flag carrier or node.

My lock can die fast but my dots are very strong and give my opponents something to think about :P My pally typically dies maybe once or twice a battleground, though it can depend. I focus on heals instead of damage (not retribution spec).
My lock can die fast but my dots are very strong and give my opponents something to think about :P My pally typically dies maybe once or twice a battleground, though it can depend. I focus on heals instead of damage (not retribution spec).
thats cause in the battlegrounds everyone goes for the warlock 1st and thats no fun at all :(

This is what happens when a Mage over-agroes...

Iain - Iain vs ElMarshal v2 - RaGEZONE Forums

10k melee from trash mobs FTW.

ahah u got owned by trash