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Ian Usher auctions his life

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score

I'm not sure if anyone has seen this, but an Australian called Ian Usher decided to sell off his entire life.

It seems that he's been pretty successful, with 6 days to go the auction has reached 2.2 million Australian dollars, in less than a single day. He predicted that it would sell for about 500,000, so it's already way over his estimate.

He must be an absolute genious, he's managed to make at least 1.5 million Australian dollars, without doing anything at all. Amazing, lol.

Anyway, if you've got a spare couple of million quid lying around, then go to and bid =p

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 31, 2005
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If he had a wife that'd be a bonus!
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 9, 2006
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How the duck can he sell his job? That fuckin doesnt make sense.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2005
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So he sells his life...doesn't that mean that anything he owns belongs to the person...and in turn the money that he receives from the person belongs to the person again?
Aug 7, 2006
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Miles - Ian Usher auctions his life - RaGEZONE Forums

Anyways, he's a douche. He should find another way to satisfy his mid-life crisis... such as pedophillia.
Experienced Elementalist
May 21, 2007
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Any takers for this guy's life? I know some of you could use one...
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 2, 2006
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this guy actually won me a modulated strip miner II while playing EVE today....

i also bet that in that huge block of text theres a line that says its all a joke.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2004
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I would buy his life for 10 USD not more. Australia is to hot.
Legendary Battlemage
Aug 19, 2005
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It seems that he's been pretty successful, with 6 days to go the auction has reached 2.2 million Australian dollars, in less than a single day. He predicted that it would sell for about 500,000, so it's already way over his estimate.

Current bid: AU $300,100.00

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm that's strange, when I posted that it said $2.2 million, and there were over 140 bids. Perhaps people were just posting fake bids, and they were removed?

Ah ha, he added a bit a the bottom explaining it.


I was up again at 4am this morning, and on my way to the Channel 9 studios for an early morning appearance. I had a couple of minutes before I had to set off, and quickly turned the computer on to see how the bidding was going - I just burst out laughing - it was at $1.9 million, and as I sat there in dis-belief, it went over $2million!!

I drove up to the studio in a bit of a daze, and discussed this during the interview. I guess now, as I look back at the end of a roller-coaster of a day, I was pretty trusting, or naive, to think these might be genuine bids, but throughout the day I also tried to maintain a realistic and skeptical attitude about it all. The phone rang a couple of times on the way home, and I did two live radio interviews while driving back down the freeway!

When I got home, both home phone and mobile phone were going constantly. I have no idea how many interviews I did, but every time I hung up, the phone would ring again immediately, and I was off again, usually answering the same set of questions. Eventually I got a short break, and gave eBay a call, and got some peace by turning the mobile phone off. My helpful support guy soon had the issue resolved, and no more bidding was allowed, other than by registered users.

I left the mobile switched off, which gave me a bit of time to do some other stuff on the computer, such as try to read some emails, and do some more bidder registrations. Calls kept coming in though on the landline, and I only got bits and pieces done. Two more TV stations called, and their crews turned up at the house, and after a hurried lunch, the phone calls continued. It was all good fun, and I was thoroughly enjoying feeling like a millionaire.

During this time I was trying to get into the bidder details section of eBay, but managed to achieve nothing until I finally gave up and turned the home phone off too, and managed to concentrate on what I was doing. I think most people don't realise the level of information a seller can access about bidders, and I soon had home phone numbers for all the top bidders. A few entertaining phonecalls later, I had weeded out some definate fakes. It was very satisfying to get a bidder on the line, and tell them who I was. "Oh!" was the usual surprised reply, followed usually by some lame excuse, "My friend must have done it / my eBay account has been hijacked / I've changed my mind." Hmmmmm. The old "dog ate my homework" excuse!

I wasn't too surprised, and started the drudge of deleting all the suspect bids - there were ALOT! There are obviously alot of very bored idiots out there who need to get a life, but who think it's better to bid on mine with no intention or ability to follow it up. Eventually, as I worked backwards through the bids, I discovered that the highest bid from a genuinely registered bidder was down at $155,000, and I decided to delete all bids above that. I may have deleted some genuine ones, but if they want to place their bids again, they will be welcome to when they register. That took several hours to sort out, and I re-emailed all the registered bidders to let them know what was going on, and to apologise for the palava!

It's obviously disappointing, but not too surprising, and there is still a long way to go. I am getting heaps of email demanding to know what is going on, with bidding going up and down, some even suggesting this is all evidence of a big hoax. The only hoaxers here are the idiots bidding on something they have no intention of following up on.

Anyway, what a fun day, but very tiring. The phones are still off, and I think they'll stay that way until morning. I'm off to bed! Goodnight."

Elite Diviner
Loyal Member
Nov 20, 2006
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who the hell would pay to buy some Australian guys life... he is like what 80.... just go die in a hole you dam mooch!!

Rottening in money is not a life...
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
I would buy his life for 10 USD not more. Australia is to hot.
No it is not, it not a desert like you see in movies, you know.
Current bid: AU $300,100.00


Yeh all others were fake lol.

How is it a rip-off? considering that ALL his possessions are in there including his house and his vehicles, that is a very good price. I live in that city and can tell you that his house alone is worth $500,000 MINIMUM.
I'll take you all on.
Loyal Member
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
but i thought he has this pre-approve reg thingy in order to bid?

not bad actually, for $500K ill buy it.