Icarus 3.1 VM

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Hello everybody
from the server posted here https://forum.ragezone.com/f857/icarus-online-3-1-a-1205471/
first of all the server need alot of fixes and i have my share on it and i dont have the skill (not a dev) or the time + no real matching client for this server i found
special thanks to dezner to helping me routing the API
ok its a testing VM if you want to work on it
Note: dont change the ram its work on 16gb for me no less ( you can try and test )
**check the video**
1-change to your ip address on conf folder
2- start laragon
3- start the server from launcher
4- start postman and use it to register and login after create account
5- open navicat and insert 6 digits on login database - account - Real_CERPass any 6 number will work ( it was autofill but now not )
6- on client start.bat edit the i: your token from login in postman r: is your CERpass U: your user -save
7- change ip on client in Game\GameData\adataxml\loginserver.xml and use winrar and change ip on Game\gamedatas.npk save and update the archive
8- start game using the .bat file

UQaO3E7 - Icarus 3.1 VM - RaGEZONE Forums

wQGxbks - Icarus 3.1 VM - RaGEZONE Forums

u3LLGJ4 - Icarus 3.1 VM - RaGEZONE Forums

I repopulated the store in DB so if you want more its easy check
Table_CashShopAll and Table_CashShopSell and figure it yourself

i dont self test all sorry for that but the bugs i found can be fixed if you know what to do


Video :



Fix Patch by @orion13:

how to set GM account:

List of GM commands by @lamaine :

shop fix:

Game Shop Tutorial :

Tools i use:

Launcher SourceCode by @argeus99 :

BinConverter AIO TOOLS by @lamaine :

Have fun all
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thank you Teacher.


I want to change the game language to Korean, how do I change the language? Thanks for letting us know.
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Hello, thank you for sharing, how to translate into Chinese
how edit world server nedd 8-10g ram i think server run full need 14-18g ram
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Matar - Icarus 3.1 VM - RaGEZONE Forums
It gives an error that the world server in the game is disconnected when you complete a certain time or task

Matar - Icarus 3.1 VM - RaGEZONE Forums
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Can anyone reupload the links in mega or another download manager ?

@orion13 the version in the title of the program doesn't necessarily make it inferior, the EU version is at 1.16.3 but the only thing that changes are some changes in the gamelibs
@Matar , I was so fascinated that I forgot to say thank you :D, thank you so much for the great work and above all for sharing with the community, you could have sold more preferred to share, and for people like you we can keep moving forward and exploring the world, You could create a link on github so we can push updates, that would be nice.
@Matar , How can individual files of the server-side map folder be modified or extracted from the client? and the scenario files? they were made at the same time, so they were converted from the client side. ( .hmb and .ase files ):?::D: KR 3.1 maps not working for 1.16.1 server side.