Iced Earth: Alive in Athens

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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
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Dallas, Texas
Came across a great DVD of a live concert for Iced Earth in Athens, Greece. Hope you guys enjoy. :tongue: This is also probably the only live stuff of Iced Earth I've seen on video. I believe that Iced Earth didn't initially release it back when it was shot because it was bad quality. But, Century Media got a hold of the footage and released Iced Earth's first live DVD.

Iced Earth - The Coming Curse

Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian
Iced Earth - Pure Evil
Iced Earth - Angels Holocaust
Iced Earth - Stormrider
Iced Earth - Desert Rain
Iced Earth - Birth Of The Wicked
Iced Earth - When The Night Falls
Iced Earth - The Hunter
Iced Earth - Brainwashed
Iced Earth - Violate
Iced Earth - My Own Savior
Iced Earth - Disciples Of The Lie
Iced Earth - Watching Over Me
Iced Earth - Melancholy
Iced Earth - I Died For You
Iced Earth - Blessed Are You
Iced Earth - Dark Saga

I know it's long. But, it really is a great fucking show. Probably one of the best you'll ever see. :grin:
I found a video of like 36 minutes of the concert on google video the other day. It was amazing. The CD version is great too, I've been listening to it non-stop lately.
DaCheat is back! <3

On Topic: I think they should bring back Matt Barlow for vocals. Heh, I found it interesting that Barlow left the band in 03' to pursue a career in the US Department of Homeland Security. :tongue: He was the best vocalist the band ever had.
Yeah, I agree about getting Barlow back. I heard that the whole 9/11 situation really got to him and he decided to do somethin like that. Plus, their new singer doesn't have long hair, and that just doesn't work :D haha
Yeah, I agree about getting Barlow back. I heard that the whole 9/11 situation really got to him and he decided to do somethin like that. Plus, their new singer doesn't have long hair, and that just doesn't work :D haha

I don't care what their hair style is. Tim Owens is a great singer. I mean, he used to sing for Judas Priest. But, Barlow has a much better voice for Iced Earth than Ownes does.
Heh, I was just joking about the hair lol. I agree that Barlow has a better voice for this band. Don't get me wrong, the new album with Owens is great too, I just prefer the older stuff. Although I am anxious to hear the second part of Something Wicked This Way Comes. I heard it's coming out later this year.
Oh, I have not heard about all of that yet, thanks for the info man :).