If you could add anything to Mir... Mir3 

- compatibility with the new spells
- give the gms more remote power
- hole fixing
- in-game frontend (like on the server select screen instead of clicking the server you can click Add, then put the ip in etc)
- fog, rain, and snow effects
- support for more armors
- a new class, Mixed, which is unlockable (sort of like mu) but has compatibility with all spells and still has enough strength to fight
- sailing. teleporting to skeleton island is boring
- a better house system, on one server i was roommates with 20 other people.
- a packmule system. you can rent packmules to carry your shit in.
- scripted events
Well lets start from what Proper mir3 has to get you off running:

Auto Bundle - means we can do away with Bundles of drugs etc.
Auto Pickup - 3x3 square - can be togged on and off.
Hit points as you go along instead of killing a mob then getting Exp.
As Said, Rain etc on maps - not that it does anything but hey - why not..
House Building - so you can mine for Tiber and with enoug of ther crap you can build your own house.
Guild Towns - so instead of like one castle in the middle - lets have full scale wars here...
Map to fill the screen (as per real MIR3 - option to do that - overlays on the screen).
Leave Message for people even if offline - they get them when they log in.

And from TSOnline - not only does your level go up as you kill things, your stats go up as well..