Another chinese joke
Police have named a twentieth victim from the Morcambe disaster... No
Flo Ting!!
The Police have started to release the names of the cockle picking
from Morecambe, so far there is/was ; Wey Ding, Sin King, Drow Ning,
Fukits Kold, Leff Too Dy and Ty Dis Hi......
New evidence shows that the instructions of the foreman on the recent
cockle picking expedition to Morecambe Bay were not followed. The
pickers were told to come back to shore when the water reached knee
Unfortunately nee hi was waiting in the van.....
The cockle pickers have now had a pay rise to
Police have named a twentieth victim from the Morcambe disaster... No
Flo Ting!!
The Police have started to release the names of the cockle picking
from Morecambe, so far there is/was ; Wey Ding, Sin King, Drow Ning,
Fukits Kold, Leff Too Dy and Ty Dis Hi......
New evidence shows that the instructions of the foreman on the recent
cockle picking expedition to Morecambe Bay were not followed. The
pickers were told to come back to shore when the water reached knee
Unfortunately nee hi was waiting in the van.....
The cockle pickers have now had a pay rise to