I'm goin all healthy like lol

Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Stopped eating crap, drinkin loadsa water, doin a lil weight training every nite. Havin a look at these sites 2:

Positive thinking:

And 2 help me sleep better:

I'm also havin my mum pull the plug on my internet at 10:15PM so I defo go 2 bed ^__^

Also havin more baths+cleanin my teeth TWICE a day instead of once lol. No more chocolate 4 me (well not NONE but very little) and cuttin down on fizzy drinks. Not cuttin all fatty stuff out tho- no chance lol.

1 more thing is I wanna start dressin a bit differently. I wanna still dress similar (mosher style if u know wot I mean) but currently I wear nothing but:

Black Hoodie (band names/logos on)
Normal black jeans
Footy trainers
Black T-shirt (band names/logos on)

ne suggestions?

I'd appriciate it if u kept on topic, all thi shit means a lot 2 me
n1 m8 :D

i suggest if your doing weights do them every other day or every 3 days to give your body more time to recover from the training :)

whenever you do something like weights your muscle bonds break slightly and tear away from each other, this along with lactic acid is why your muscle ache so much after a hard session.

having a rest period of a day or 2 days depending on the intensity of your training will allow the bonds to grow back stronger, increasing in muscle size/form and strength :D

in the days your resting do different types of training or if you wanna do just weights use different muscle groups on the different days

ifu want lemme know an ill put together like a training schedule for ya thatll work well with your body ^_^
Mario_Party said:
ermmmmm having baths more???
ur not already brushing twice a day?!?!
how the hell were u like this!!!!!!
lol Teens lads- not supposed 2:tp:

And Ex m8, that'd b cool as:good: I'd really appriciate the help
speedhorn666 said:

1 more thing is I wanna start dressin a bit differently. I wanna still dress similar (mosher style if u know wot I mean) but currently I wear nothing but:

Black Hoodie (band names/logos on)
Normal black jeans
Footy trainers
Black T-shirt (band names/logos on)

ne suggestions?

I'd appriciate it if u kept on topic, all thi shit means a lot 2 me

buy sum sk8 shoes and blue jeans, get ur lip pierced
I don't care about that crap tbh... at least about the food stuff, i eat what i want...

Then again i can also see that i do that... hmm maybe i should watch it a bit more. :tp:

Well it's kinda hard when you have no influence on what you have for dinner... although we are eating atm better then half a year ago... i should also do something to develop my body a bit... hmm...

Anyway when i get some work then i'm sure i'll be in a better shape, i'm not in such a bad shape, but well my body wouldn't be considered attractive... oh well shit happens. :D

Should check for a job next week, i just need a few things before i can go for a job, i'm going to change my back tire of my bike tomorrow, and then i will also ride on it for like 10 miles each day to get my body working better again... :tp:
Cool mate, I went thru a simalar stage when I was gettin desperate and needed a nice girl friend lol

was going on sun beds, going to the gym, got a job, and started having 2 showers a day, cleaning my room andjust being tidy in general.

And it worked :) I got a g/f

Now going back to the scruffy stage, lol I desperatly need a shave and I aint had a shower all day, but when I do go out I make sure I look smart.

If your lookin for a change of dress I cud suggest, some nice jeans and some boots/shoes and a casual T-Shirt. The girls luv it and you look cool. :)
Well I've got a gf whom I'm very happy with and I'm praying that this isn't just gonna b a phase coz I feel much happier atm. I'm takin a nu look at every situation and it's working 4 me. Thx 4 the advise every1. U think ur gonna stop bein a scruff Nik?:tp:
Solares said:
Try doing what i do. Dont eat.... Followed by not eating..... Followed by even more not eating..... Followed by going to the gym..... Followed by an apple and maybe a chocky bar just before you fall to the ground and die :D
erm think I'll pass m8, good advise tho:good: Ain't no wayi'm givin up Mcdonalds at the weekend tho:tp:
Ex is right on the money with the exercise, never do the same type of HEAVY training everyday. although doing situps and press ups every morning when u wake up is a good idea, when you do a day of heavy workout either do all parts of your body then have a rest day or work out ur top half one day and ur lower body the second.

all u need is a bit of determination and u can easily turn the way you feel around. if u want to learn how to be really sexxy u need to start buying shit magazines GQ and fashion magazines but u will need a nice job to afford what they sell lol.
sikamon said:
all u need is a bit of determination and u can easily turn the way you feel around. if u want to learn how to be really sexxy u need to start buying shit magazines GQ and fashion magazines but u will need a nice job to afford what they sell lol.
That's the stupid way...

First of all don't buy what is supposed to be fashion, fashion is bullshit, just buy what you like and what looks good on you.

As for being sexy... it's about the inside, it's something you can't really learn, you have it or you don't.

Looks is what is important on first sight, personality is what is important for the rest of the relationship...

That doesn't mean you have to worry about looks anymore though, but you really don't have to buy fashion magazines and take your tips from that to keep your gf happy...
Solares said:
Try doing what i do. Dont eat.... Followed by not eating..... Followed by even more not eating..... Followed by going to the gym..... Followed by an apple and maybe a chocky bar just before you fall to the ground and die :D

eat more protein and take some form of concentrated protein such as protein shakes and itll aid your weights training greatly :D

well itll aid muscle recovery really but u know what i mean ^__^