I'm looking for a song

May 30, 2004
Reaction score
The South
I'm looking for a song, and the only part of the lyrics I know is a part of the chorus: "so far away." It's not Staind or Nickelback....or twelve stones. I wish I could give more info. If you guys could find this for me I'd be greatful.

(PS it's a request from my brother since he's doesn't know where else to search and I'm stuck as well)
I did, he never TOLD me the NAME OF THE SONG was "so far away" (not every song in the world has their song title in the chorus, that'd be boring and preditcable). You watch when I tell him this afternoon (since...well he's not getting up :P) he's gonna say "oh it's not the name of the song" even though all the leads he gave me are crappy
Always do a "<The lyrics that I know I write here> lyrics" search in google. Always helps me.