Im starting to really hate CS

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Loyal Member
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
I go into a server and there were THREE!!! people using hacks.

One was knifing everybody without moving.
Second was do headshots no mater where he shoot
Third wasnt taking any damage

I have come across hackers in many servers
I dont like it at all >.<
You can't enter a single server without a botter, thats why I went to Call of Duty, but now you can't go into a server without half of the room botting :[ My brother has skillz though, skills that allow him headshots with pistols and stuff, its crazy, he always gets accused of botting too.
Yeah, happened to me too
there is at one dust, where you go out and there is a box at the right of you.I accidentally did a headshot while shooting through the box and they started calling me a hacker
cheats are ok for offline games, but online it's just sad.. unless everyone else gets to lol... but then whats the point ??? :p
Yeah maybe if you've completed a game or are stuck on something and just say "Screw it" and cheat, fine, but on an online game just play fair..
Ive been acused, well not so much acused but questioned twice on your server. I dont hack. Just ive played the game for many years and coz i can to some extent predict wer someone is gonna go and use my sound well people say i wall hack :/
Ut2004 is leet, but there is a growing botting community in it... why can't people try to have so skills? It doesn't take much... what I hate is when some people do have skill, the botters start saying that they are real obvious with their cheating, or your average n00b likes to start saying that cause you killed him so much.
Just today my brother was playing Call of Duty, he is insane, he was killing so many to each death. Along the way some guys start to accuse him of botting, they then tried to ban him and all of this greifing crap. If you watched the kill cam he wouldn't just shoot, he would melee them, and he melee's a lot more than shot kills.
heheh cs sucks anyway play a good game like castle wolfenstien: enemy territory great game it has more point then to just shoot and kill :P you should try it its fun :D